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Deeper (The Deep Duet 2)

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He hated to think what could have happened if she’d pulled this shit on any of the other ORUS operatives.

“It doesn’t matter anymore because I’ve failed. I have no clue what will happen to me now.”

She looked so miserable that Rafe couldn’t resist a soft kiss to her forehead. He would keep her close. Eventually she would give up her secrets, and he’d figure out who sent her. It was the only way he could keep her safe.

“Don’t worry about any of that now. You’re safe, and you’re going to stay that way.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “You can’t make that promise. No one can. I’ve gotten myself in deeper than I ever imagined. There’s no going back now. All I can do is disappear.”

The thought of her leaving him again, of her being out of his reach, sent a bolt of pure fear through Rafe. Never mind the fact that he could track a whisper on the wind, there was no way she could successfully hide from him for long, but just the idea that she might try made him want to keep her chained to the bed.

Fuck. Control, asshole.

He had to control those base urges. She already thought he was a monster, clearly. He’d watched her face when she mentioned what he’d done to Dieter Vandergraff, and she’d looked disgusted.

As she should be, he thought morosely. It’s in her best interest to see you as you truly are. Dangerous.

He loosened his grip on her wrists slightly. “I’m going to let you up now. Don’t try anything.”

Although her eyes narrowed reflexively at the order, she didn’t try to pull away from him. When he released her hands, she lowered her arms slowly and flexed her fingers.

“What now? You can’t change my mind, Rafe. I know what I’m doing.”

Rafe moved back and allowed her to slide off the bed. “Do you? Because I sure as hell don’t.”

Di rubbed her wrists absently, pretending that she wasn’t ogling Rafe as he moved around the room. Finally she gave up and just stared. The man was sexy, and there was no hiding it. Every time he grabbed at his hair in frustration, his shirt rode up, revealing abs that looked like they’d been chiseled from stone.

Stop drooling, Diana.

He was restless, she could tell. It was funny how she’d already learned to read so many of his quirks and tells. When he was laughing at her, his eyes crinkled slightly at the corners, and he always looked to the side when he was embarrassed. He got twitchy when he was frustrated but eerily calm and silent when he was angry.

Not that she was afraid of him. Wasn’t that interesting? She’d stolen from him, and he wouldn’t let her leave, but she still didn’t feel any fear. It was a bone-deep certainty that told her Rafe would never hurt her, no matter how annoyed or angry he was. It was more than she’d gotten from her own flesh and blood. Her father had sold her to a Russian thug. A man old enough to be her father.

He was supposed to protect her. So much for family loyalty.

And as for her brothers, while they hadn’t exactly been warm and fuzzy growing up, she’d never thought they were bad people. Not the kind of people that she’d read about in Rafe’s files anyway: men who hurt and abused women, trading them for profit as if they were mere objects to be bought and sold like commodities in their portfolio. Is that how they thought of her? Obviously, they were still doing business with Boris, so they knew about the marriage arrangement.

Would she be just like one of those other poor women who found themselves in a shipping crate being sold to some sick bastard? Your cage might be more gilded, but it’s still a cage.

When Rafe took her face between his hands, Di started. Then his thumb brushed over her cheek, and she realized she was crying.

“I’m not sure what to do with you, Di. This is a difficult situation. After what you stole and what you now know, you’re not safe out there.”

Di snorted. “You’re worried about my safety after I stole from you?”

But she could tell how sincere he was. Something else was at play here. Oh hell, that was the last thing she needed, to start feeling guilty. But there it was. How could a woman not be a little bit charmed by a guy who consistently put her first? Especially one who insisted on looking at her like she was a cinnamon bun that he wanted to lick.

“I’m worried about both of us. That information you took is dangerous and not just to me. To other people who won’t hesitate to harm anyone that gets in their way. Did you show it to anyone else?”

Di shook her head frantically. “No, I didn’t even have time to do that.”

Rafe blew out a breath. “Be honest. Because I can’t protect you if I don’t know what I’m dealing with.”

“You don’t need to protect me. That’s what I’m telling you. Let me walk out of here, and you’ll never see or hear from me again. It’s better that way.”

He rested his forehead against hers so she couldn’t avoid his gaze. It was almost more painful to have to look directly into his eyes. She didn’t want to see the disappointment or anger there when she’d gotten used to him looking at her with affection… maybe even something more than that.

No, Di cautioned herself. It does you no good to start spinning

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