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Deeper (The Deep Duet 2)

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“Yes, of course it's me.”

Before she could question what he was doing there, she felt herself being lifted. She clutched his shoulders automatically, disoriented after her fall. Now she wasn't sure if that had actually happened. Had she been dreaming? It was so hard to tell.

“Jonas, did you see anyone else in the apartment?”

“Like who? Don't you live alone?”

Was that jealousy in his voice? Even under these circumstances, JJ couldn't resist the urge to screw with him a little.

“Actually I don't. We can't leave without my favorite guy.”

“Who? And if you have a boyfriend, where is he? Some help he is during an emergency.”

“Well, Fluffy has never been much help during emergencies, but he blows the best wet kisses.”

Jonas didn't pause. “I'll come back for your dog, I promise. But I have to get you to safety.”

It must have been the smoke affecting her brain, because at first JJ didn't realize what he’d said. It wasn't until they were at the front door that she understood he meant to leave.

“No! I have to get Fluffy!” JJ swatted at his massive chest. She must have surprised him because his arms loosened around her legs, giving her the room she needed to jump down.

“Damn it, JJ! This is serious. We don't have time to stop.”

“It'll just take a second.” JJ raced back to the guest bedroom and grabbed Fluffy, covering him with the comforter as she ran.

Jonas picked her up as soon as she hit the hallway and ran for the front door. They passed a crew of firefighters in the corridor outside her apartment. The smoke was thicker out here, so JJ buried her face in Jonas’s shoulder, making sure to keep Fluffy covered too.

When they got outside, Jonas set them down carefully on the grass, safely away from the building. An EMT approached, and Jonas pointed at JJ. She was going to protest, but dissolved into a coughing fit as soon as she opened her mouth. The young man frowned and knelt on the grass next to her. Then his eyes widened when her comforter slipped and she almost flashed an entire boob at him.

“Hey, eyes up, kid.” Jonas glared at him before yanking his shirt off. He put it over JJ’s head, and she maneuvered carefully to get her arms in without dropping the comforter completely. If she hadn't felt so crappy, she'd have told him exactly w

here he could shove it. She didn't need anyone speaking for her.

Just to annoy him, she gave the EMT a bright smile that had the young man blushing furiously. Jonas scowled at both of them.

After a flurry of activity, blood pressure cuffs, and oxygen, they finally left her alone. That's when Jonas got a good look at her again. Her and Fluffy.

“A fish? You risked your life to save a fucking fish?”

JJ scooped up Fluffy’s bowl protectively. “Fluffy is not just a fish. He’s a Japanese fighting fish. A total badass.”

Jonas looked like he wanted to strangle her. Normally that was exactly the effect she was going for, but strangely, it wasn't as satisfying as usual.

“Thank you, Jonas. For coming in after me.”

He looked as shocked as she felt by her sudden gratitude.

“Of course. It's nothing. The fire department would have gotten to you soon. I just happened to get there first when Matthias said your alarms were triggered.”

The talk of alarms brought back memories of the man she'd seen in the smoke. It had happened so fast, and she couldn't be sure what was real and what had been a dream.

“Did you see anyone in there?” At his confused look, JJ clarified, “In my apartment?”

Jonas knelt and looked her in the eye. “Was there someone in there with you, Jessica?”

It was all such a blur, and she didn't like the way he was looking at her. Noah’s entire crew was extremely overprotective, so if she said the wrong thing, she'd end up on house arrest with Jonas as her jailor. Plus, it was likely it had all been a dream. Jonas had been in her apartment. He would have seen if anyone else was there. The man in the smoke was nothing more than a shadow from a past she'd rather forget.

“No, I meant in the building. I just want to make sure all my neighbors got out okay.”

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