All I Need is You (The Alexanders 4) - Page 11

“Okay, thanks. That would be nice. Why don’t you tell me about your research?”

Bennett sat back and placed the tablet in his lap. “Oh, this? I’m just looking into recent legislation regarding GMOs. That’s—”

“Genetically modified organisms, right?”

Bennett smiled then, a genuine smile, and looked at her directly for the first time. “Yes, that’s right. There’s been a lot of controversy surrounding their use and for good reason. However, I’m working on developing several vegetables that can grow under adverse conditions.”

“You are? Geez, all I did today was sing a few love songs.”

Bennett flushed. Even the tops of his ears turned pink. “The arts are a science unto themselves. We need things that make us happy just like we need food.”

While Kay agreed, she was still a little flustered. He was so smart it was kind of scary. “Tell me more about the vegetables you’re working on.”

“Well, I’ve identified a few key crops that would benefit the most. Soy, corn, and wheat to start. Imagine what it could mean for people around the world to have food that grows even through periodic drought or extreme heat. We could end hunger. Or at least make a dent in it.”

Kay tried to follow the conversation, but after too many phrases like easy propagation, mediated transformation, and plant genome, she gave up on understanding. Either way, it was a joy to see Bennett so passionate about something.

And it was definitely better than wondering exactly when Eli would walk through the door.


NORMALLY ELI WOULD have ignored his cell phone while driving, but if there was a chance it was Matt calling, he didn’t want to risk missing it.

“This is Eli.”

“Hey man, it’s Matt. I’ve got Kay and we’re at your parents’ house.”

Eli let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. A million and one things had gone through his mind when he’d gotten that figurine. Mainly that this nut job had been in Kay’s apartment. Could in fact be in her apartment at that very moment. All he’d cared about was making sure she was safe. He’d spent the last half hour worrying they’d be assaulted or run off the road before Matt could get them to his parents’ house.

“How is she doing?”

“She’s fine. Just a little annoyed that I interrupted her recording session. I know you wanted to talk to her yourself, but she keeps asking what’s going on. What should I tell her?”

Now that he knew they’d reached his parents’ house safely, he could take a step back and think. Who could have sent the figurine and more importantly, why? When she’d first started receiving threatening letters the previous year, they’d gone through her life with a fine-tooth comb. He’d scrutinized her family and friends, her acquaintances and coworkers. Anyone she came into contact with on a regular basis had been suspect. Everyone had checked out with the exception of the man who’d eventually been arrested. So Eli was forced to face an uncomfortable truth.

He must have missed something.

“Tell her I’ll be there soon.” He hung up and focused on the road. As he passed the familiar streets leading to his parents’ farm, a sense of calm stole over him. By the time he pulled into the long drive leading to the ranch-style home, some of the stress he’d been carrying for the past few hours melted away. He parked behind Matt’s truck and got out.

His father, Mark Alexander, poked his head out of the garage. “There you are. You made good time.”

“There wasn’t much traffic since it’s so late.” Eli averted his eyes. Even without traffic, he’d still arrived a half an hour faster than usual. He’d made excellent time because he’d been speeding most of the way. He doubted if his evasiveness fooled his father. Mark Alexander always saw way more than Eli would have liked him to.

“That’s a nice girl in there. Is she in danger?”

Trust his dad to get right to the heart of things.

“I’m not sure yet. But I plan on protecting her until I know for sure.”

Mark nodded and clapped him on the shoulder. “I wouldn’t have expected anything less.” Then he ambled back into the garage, no doubt to tinker with his old truck or one of the tractors.

Eli jumped over the few steps to the front of the house and then opened the door with his key. Light, warmth and the sweet scent of his mother’s baking hit him all at once. Kay sat snuggled on the couch under a blanket next to his older brother, and Eli’s eyes immediately homed in on her. When she saw him, she clutched the mug she was holding closer to her chest like a shield.

Bennett stood then and nodded at Kay. “Well, I’d better get going. It was nice to see you again, Kaylee.”

He shook hands with his older brother absently before his attention was drawn back to Kay. She looked like a bundle of softness from the nubby texture of her soft blue sweater to the jumble of kinky curls she’d piled on top of her head in a bun. Her brown eyes sparkled as she took a small sip from her cup.

Eli yanked at the buttons of his coat and snatched off the knit hat protecting his bald head from the cold and wind. Kay watched him over the rim of her cup but didn’t speak as he drew closer.

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024