All I Need is You (The Alexanders 4) - Page 48

Eli didn’t like it. The idea of sending his people into what could be a trap felt wrong in every way. However, Tank’s plan made the most sense. It would give them the chance to draw out the danger and keep it contained. Maybe it would be better to force a confrontation now when they were ready for it.

“Let’s see what we can dig up first. Maybe it won’t come to that. But if we can’t rule her out, then we’ll do it. But let’s see what pans out with Banner, first. He seems our most likely suspect.”

Tank flipped a page on his notepad. “This guy is a real piece of work. Typical rich shill who thinks he can buy anything he wants, including a senate seat.”

Eli wondered if this was it. The turning point where things would heat up. Every case seemed to have one, the moment when he knew shit was about to get critical.

“We need to talk to him. Before he goes public.”

Tank made a face. “If we talk to him, we risk tipping our hand. He probably has no idea he’s even on our radar.”

“Yeah, but there’s also the chance he’ll give us something we can work with. Catching him off guard has advantages. People give away so much more when they’re trying to act innocent.”

“When are you going to do this?”

Eli cracked his knuckles and regarded Tank. “I want you to do it.”

The other man couldn’t hide his surprise. Eli knew he had a reputation as a control freak. He liked for things to get done and proper. But in this case, he couldn’t be objective. There was no chance of it. Sitting down and having a civil conversation with the man who’d gotten Kay pregnant and then ditched her was one big journey to never-going-to-happen-land.

“I can’t be objective in this case,” Eli admitted. “And we need him alive after the conversation is over.”

Matt and Tank exchanged glances.

“Of course. Whatever you need,” Tank finally replied. “However, I haven’t even told you the best part yet. Guess what his party platform will be?”

At both of their blank looks, Tank held up a photocopy of a flyer. “Family values.”

Matt scoffed. “An old girlfriend with his illegitimate baby would probably be an inconvenience, wouldn’t you say?”

Tank slapped the flyer down on the table between them. “You said it. This guy is looking dirtier and dirtier by the minute.”

Eli’s eyes locked on the flyer and the black-and-white image of Timothy Banner and his all-American smile. This guy had a track record for lying and hurting Kay. He would probably look at stalking and attempted murder as collateral damage on his way to the top.

“Go find this fool, Tank. Find him and get him to talk. The sooner we can put this to rest, the better.”

TANK MARSHALL LOWERED his binoculars and then stashed them in the center console of his SUV. Timothy Banner was checked into the Ritz-Carlton. He snorted. Of course he was. Guys like him, with more money to spend than brains, tended to stay in flashy places. They liked to see and be seen. Tank preferred to see and remain invisible.

He’d just seen Banner and his mini-entourage walk into the hotel. Now he just had to follow and wait. So much of what he did involved patience. Not unlike his work as a sniper. He

could watch. And wait. Then at the perfect moment, take his shot. He wasn’t taking any chances on screwing up this assignment.

Security wasn’t something he’d have thought would be a great fit, but Eli trusted his guys and gave them the leeway they needed to do their jobs. If he needed equipment, he got it. If he had a hunch, Eli trusted him to follow it.

So if his boss needed him to interview some wannabe politician, he could handle it.

He’d met Elliott Alexander at the gun range. They’d gotten to talking and before he knew what was happening, he’d had himself a job. He’d given ten years to Uncle Sam, and when he got out, he’d had a lot of plans for what he wanted to do. Travel. Spend more time with his family.

Nothing had worked out the way he’d planned.

His mom was still doing drugs and wouldn’t go into rehab. His little brother was in the midst of a deep depression and hadn’t left his apartment more than a handful of times that he knew of in the past year. His life was going to shit and there was nothing he could do about it. Except work.

The job was all he had some days.

He walked through the lobby, his shoes squeaking slightly on the marble floor. Banner and his entourage were about to get on the elevator. He sped up. A couple walked in front of him and he allowed them to get on the elevator first, keeping his head down. The couple exited at the fifth floor and the doors to the elevator slid closed, sealing him in the small space with Banner and his men.

He kept his eyes on the electronic counter which announced each floor. They didn’t seem to notice him. The doors opened with a subdued chime and he turned left, waiting until he heard the group exit and walk in the other direction. He waited a few moments, then turned around and followed.

The door to room 9804 was just closing. Tank glanced around to make sure nobody was in the hall before he knocked on the door.

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024