All I Need is You (The Alexanders 4) - Page 60


“Yeah, it’s supposed to snow later today. So I figured I’d make chili or maybe some kind of stew.”

“Hmm, girl that is not sex food. That’s a little gassy, isn’t it?”

Kay giggled. “That’s why I love you. Always practical.”

“I know. I miss you, Kay. We’ve never gone this long without seeing each other.”

“I miss you, too. But I’m coming back home tomorrow morning. Eli just told me. So meet me at my parents’ house for lunch. I can’t wait to see you and catch up. I feel like I’ve been hidden away in a cave for the past few weeks.”

“Yes, but you’re in the cave with a sexy guy. So get off the phone with me and go talk to him. The sooner you talk, the sooner you two can make up and then he can show you some of his freaky stuff. And if you don’t want him, send him my way.”


“Just kidding. Or not. Bye!”

Kay hung up, still chuckling. She glanced at the time. Maybe if she started now she could come up with something suitably sexy for a romantic dinner. Sasha was right. They needed to talk, and she was ready to hear what he had to say with an open mind.

KAY DIDN’T HAVE long to obsess over things. A few minutes later Hope woke up, so she spent the rest of the morning entertaining the baby. When Eli emerged from his room around lunchtime, she was too embarrassed to look at him or even try to engage him in conversation. He’d looked at her cautiously and then gone into the dining room with his laptop. She could hear him clicking away, typing on the keyboard.

She chewed on her thumbnail and then scowled at the ragged edge. That was a habit she’d broken back in high school. But she was completely nervous, and there was no point pretending otherwise. Despite Sasha’s early-morning pep talk, she still hadn’t come up with a way to approach Eli about what she’d seen. Sasha seemed to think she should play it cool and act like a closet full of sex toys wasn’t at all intimidating.

Although it probably wasn’t to a lot of women. Women more sophisticated than her, obviously. She thought of Carly and scowled again.

She could talk about this rationally. It might be slightly awkward and embarrassing, but she could do it.

“Mama. Want more?” Hope waved her sippy cup in front of Kaylee. She grabbed her and planted kisses all over her face.

“Mommy’s not much fun today, is she? I’m sorry,” she whispered. She’d been so preoccupied thinking about Eli that she’d just been sitting in the play area in a daze. Resolved not to think about it anymore until that evening, she got up to refill Hope’s cup with juice.

Eli stood in the doorway watching them. When she caught sight of him, she stumbled. He sprang forward, picking her up and lifting her over the gate. As soon as she had her footing again, he stepped back.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“You didn’t. I’m just clumsy, that’s all.” Kay avoided his eyes and walked into the kitchen. Hope’s giggle floated from the living room. She leaned back until she could see into the room. Eli was in the play area with Hope, dancing around and making silly faces.

She turned back to the refrigerator and pulled out the apple juice. The steaks she’d taken from the freezer to thaw that morning didn’t look as though they’d be ready on time.

She sighed. She might have to go with chili for dinner, gassy or not. Sasha would be appalled.

“Wait, don’t climb on that… Oh shit!”

Kay turned from the open refrigerator in time to see Eli dive forward and the bookcase fall on top of him.

“Oh my God! Eli, are you okay?” She dropped the sippy cup and ran back to the living room.

The bookcase lay on top of Eli’s back. He wasn’t flat on the ground however, but up on his arms.

“Kay, grab the baby.”

Her eyes almost bugged out of her head when she saw Hope’s face peek out from under Eli’s arm.

“Hope!” She dashed forward and pulled her daughter from under the shelter of Eli’s body. As soon as she stepped back, Eli dropped to the ground and the bookcase fell flat against him. He then rolled to his side and edged out from under it.

Kay watched, stunned, as he stood and shook himself off. His shirt had a dark smudge on it and there was now a long scratch on his arm. A small drop of blood welled up and then smeared when he wiped at it.

“Is she okay? I didn’t fall on her, did I?” Eli walked closer and looked Hope over from head to toe.

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024