All I Need is You (The Alexanders 4) - Page 63

She eyed him, a sudden gleam in her eyes. “Well then, teach me how to play a game.”

His blood heated as he imagined her spread on his bed, all her lush curves his to tease and torture. “You want to play?”

She bit her lip and nodded. “I want to try. I just don’t want to disappoint you.”

“Not possible. Just being with you is satisfaction enough. Looking at you, touching you.” He ran his hands up her arms. “I wasn’t sure if you’d allow me anywhere near you after this morning.”

He took her by the hand and together they walked back to his room. She glanced back at him once before her hand curled around the doorknob. Then she pushed it open and stepped into the room. He’d left the small lamp next to the bed burning, so most of the room was in shadow.

“First thing, I want to show you something.” He took her hand and led her to the closet. “On the left wall, there’s a panel here. When you put in the right code, it opens the door to the panic room. I want you to come here immediately if the alarm ever goes off and you don’t know where I am. Come here and stay here until I come get you.”

“Okay. What’s the code?”

He slid open the closet doors, just enough so the left wall was visible. She tensed as several rows of vibrators appeared. But she didn’t move back. He glanced at her before typing in the code, 1-2-2-5. A small panel in the wall slid open. He typed the code again and it slid closed.

“Twelve twenty-five?”

“Christmas Day,” he clarified.

Her eyes softened. “The first time we kissed. That’s a good code. I definitely won’t forget that one.”

“I’ll never forget it either.” He stepped back and slid the doors to the closet closed.

Once the contents were covered up again, Kay visibly relaxed. She crossed to the bed and sat down on the edge, then peeked up at him with a mischievous smile. “I feel like I’m not supposed to be in here.”

He grinned at her. “You can go anywhere you want to go. Why don’t you lie back?”

When she did, she let out a small gasp.

He climbed up on the bed next to her and reclined, looking up at their reflection on the ceiling. “Yeah, I wasn’t sure if you’d noticed this last time. The closet had all your attention, so I figured this wasn’t a top priority.”

She turned to him and buried her face in his shoulder. “I like this part,” she whispered.

“Oh yeah? My angel secretly likes the idea of watching? What a bad girl.”

She peeked up at the mirrors again. “I do. I really really do.”

He rolled over and propped himself above her. “Well, I’m happy to provide some entertainment for your viewing pleasure.”

KAY STRETCHED LANGUIDLY, loving the way her body sank into the mattress and even more how she was trapped by the weight of Eli on top of her.

“I’m going to do some things to you, angel. Dirty things. Shocking things. Things that good girls don’t do. Are you okay with that?” Eli raised his head from where he’d been nuzzling her neck to look at her.

Kay shivered at the stark, raw need reflected in his eyes. How heady, how thrilling to know that she pushed him to the brink of insanity. That she put that look on his face. That fierce, possessive look that told her he’d do anything to have her. To take her.

It was madness. It was thrilling and primal and wild. She loved every minute of it.

“I don’t want to be good when I’m with you. I want to feel. And I want to make you feel things, too.”

His arms slipped under her shoulders, holding her caged in his embrace. He was huge and hard between her thighs.

“I’m pretty sure you already know that I feel a hell of a lot when I’m with you.”

She wrapped her legs around his hips, thrilled at his sudden hiss of breath. “Good. I want to be the one who drives you crazy.”

Her words were cut off when he kissed her, a rough dance of tongues and lips, hands and hips. Her skin heated and she pulled the edges of his shirt up frantically. He needed to be naked. Skin. She needed to feel his skin.

“Lift up, angel.”

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024