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All I Need is You (The Alexanders 4)

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Matt stood and leaned over to see the picture on the laptop. “So basically the point is that this guy targeted our cases and then whenever Eli showed up, he stalked those women.”

“So, he’s got it out for me? That’s what you’re saying?”

“It’s not your fault, but maybe you’re the reason he’s doing it.” Tank closed the laptop. “He’s not stalking Kay. Or at least, he wasn’t in the beginning. He’s stalking you. And he’s using her to find you.”


KAY SAT BACK on the bed, watching as Mara fiddled with the DVD player. She was trying to keep her mind on their conversation, but all she could think about was Eli. If Tank was right and someone was really after him, then that meant he wasn’t safe. Had he put himself in more danger by sticking around to protect her?

Hope yawned in her arms.

“Excuse me, ladies. I’m going to put her down for a nap. I’ll be right back.” Kay carried Hope into Eli’s room, where he’d placed her playpen. Hope didn’t even protest when she laid her down, just clutched her teething ring and rolled onto her side. Kay watched her for a few minutes to be sure she wouldn’t wake up again and then left the room.

The distinctive rumble of male voices coming from the front of the house brought her mind back to Eli. Not only was she worried about his safety but also about Tank’s allegations against Sasha. She hadn’t called anyone else to tell them about their surprise trip home. If someone had followed their decoys, then there was no other explanation. No one else could have passed that particular message along. With a sigh, she plopped down on the end of the guest room bed. Ridley moved over slightly to make room.

“Are you okay, Kaylee? Things were pretty intense in there.” Mara placed the DVD they’d just finished watching back in its case.

“I bet I seem really stupid, huh? For not wanting to believe what they’re telling me.”

Mara pushed a few buttons on the remote to start the next movie. “Not stupid. Loyal. You want to believe the best of your friend. There’s nothing stupid about that.”

“She’s right,” Ridley added. “But Eli and the guys have to assume that anyone is capable of doing this. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be doing their jobs.”

“I know. It’s just hard. We’ve been friends since the third grade.”

Mara sat on the end of the bed and tucked her long legs beneath her. “You’re lucky. We were military brats. It’s pretty much impossible to have long friendships when you’re moving around all the time.”

Ridley promptly grabbed the spare pillow Kay handed her and shoved it between her back and the wall. “Thanks. I love movie marathons, but it’s hard to find a comfortable position.”

Kay understood completely. She’d gained a lot of weight while pregnant with Hope, and it had been like trying to maneuver around with a beach ball under her shirt. “I appreciate you coming. I’m sure this has been hard on the Alexanders, too, having Eli gone all the time.”

She turned to Mara. “So, how did Matt rope you into coming? Did he bribe you? Hold some of your stilettos hostage?”

Mara grinned. “He’d be taking his life into his hands if he went anywhere near my closet. But he didn’t have to bribe me. I wanted to come. I figured you had to be going a little stir crazy stuck here with just Eli for company.”

Kay blushed and avoided Mara’s eyes. Images of just how crazy Eli made her flashed through her mind.

“Wait a minute? What is that look?” Mara sat up straight and peered at Kaylee. “Are you blushing?”

“No! I’m not. It’s just warm in here,” Kay insisted.

“It’s like twenty degrees outside,” Ridley teased.

“Well, we aren’t outside.”

“Oh, give it up. You are practically glowing. Oh my God.” Mara squealed and bounced closer on the bed. “I thought you two were acting really cozy. What happened?”

“It’s nothing.”

“That smile on your face doesn’t look like nothing. I guess that means Eli has been treating you right?”

Kay finally gave up trying to suppress the large, cheesy grin trying to take over her face. “Very right.”

“Good for you. You both deserve to be happy.” Mara’s face fell slightly and she turned back to the movie.

“Are you okay?” Kay asked.

“Huh? Oh yeah. Of course.” Mara swept a stray lock of her dark, wavy hair behind her ear. “I was just thinking how lucky you are. Enjoy this time you have together when everything is new and exciting. It’s a really special time. You need these memories to get you through the rough patches.”

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