All I Need is You (The Alexanders 4) - Page 75

The front door was slightly open. He p

ushed it open the rest of the way and it gave a long, extended whine. He pulled his Glock as he stepped over the threshold. The front hallway was empty. He crossed to the entry of the kitchen and entered low. The floor was covered in glass, the shards glittering on the wood like diamonds. A brick lay in the middle of the destruction. He took a hesitant step forward, and glass crunched beneath his shoe.

“I’ve been waiting for you.”

He turned at the sound of the voice, his gun at the ready. The man standing in the doorway to the room wore black from head to toe. The hood of his jacket obscured his face.

“You were watching me the day I talked to Jeremy King.”

The hood nodded. “I’ve been watching you for a long time. You’re a hard man to catch up with.” He raised a hand and pushed the hood back. It fell away and his face came into view.

And Eli felt the years fall away.

MARA HAD NEVER considered herself to be that calm under pressure, but when Kaylee started praying, she found an inner well of strength she didn’t know she had. Her brother was out there, possibly in danger, and if there was anything she could do to help, she’d never forgive herself later if she didn’t do it.

“We are not just going to sit here and wait. There has to be something we can do.” Her eyes landed on the computer in the corner of the room. It looked like a general workstation but this wasn’t an office—it was a panic room. If it was there, there had to be a good reason.

“The computer. Eli wouldn’t have put that in here for no reason, right?” Mara didn’t know Elliott that well, but from her brother’s descriptions of him as a boss, he was exacting and thorough. Everyone respected him because he took his job seriously. So she had to assume that would carry through into every aspect of his life.

Kay’s head snapped up and her eyes followed Mara’s. “Eli doesn’t do anything for no reason. Maybe there’s some kind of program on there that will tell us what to do.” She smiled tremulously and, for the first time, looked hopeful.

Mara could only hope the computer would help them because otherwise she had no idea what to do.

She sat down in front of the desk. “Let’s see what we’ve got here.” As soon as she shook the mouse, the monitor on the left flickered to life and she was presented with a screen filled with icons.

“Oh crap. Where do I start?” She decided to just click on the first thing that caught her eye. The program loaded and she was faced with something that looked like a legal contract.

“Okay, that’s not any good.”

“This is going to take forever,” Kay said. She was walking around the room, bouncing the baby in her arms. Her eyes reflected her worry.

Mara quickly clicked on another icon and then another. She figured process of elimination should eventually bring her to something useful.

“Wait! What’s that?” Kay moved closer to peer over Mara’s shoulder.

The second monitor displayed an image of a house. The color wasn’t very good, so Mara wasn’t sure if she was looking at an older home or just a faded picture.

“I’m not sure, but it looks familiar.” Mara hit another key and the image changed to a street with several cars parked alongside the road. There was a white van on one side of the street. She hit another key and got an image of an SUV.

Kay gasped. “That’s our car!”

Mara wasn’t sure how she could tell because the image was so dark and grainy. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. It even has the little triangular-shaped air freshener Eli hung over the rearview mirror.”

“This must be the security system. The car is in the garage, right?”

“Yeah. Maybe if we keep going, we’ll see the guys and whether they’re safe. For all we know, they might have already caught the guy and we can come out now.”

Mara tapped the Enter key a few more times, scrolling through images of the back of the house and several empty rooms. She had a feeling that this situation wasn’t going to be resolved so easily.

FOR ELI, TIME fell away and it was seven years ago. He was young and hopeful. Things weren’t so complicated, and all he knew was the Circle. He was staring into the face of his best friend, his mentor, and his fellow soldier. He was staring into the face of his past.


The other man’s head dipped in acknowledgement. “Knight.”

Eli grimaced. “I don’t go by that name anymore. It was a lie just like everything else.”

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024