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Christmas With the Alexanders (The Alexanders 3.50)

Page 13

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Jase walked over to them. “RiRi, you’ve got a baby on your belly!”

The whole room laughed.

“Well, there’s a baby in my belly. But that’s close enough, sweetie.”

Jase looked offended that everyone was still chuckling at his expense. Ridley pulled him onto her lap. He put his small hands on her cheeks.

“You’re going to be the mommy.” Since his own mother had died not long after he was born, Jase had long been fascinated by the concept of “mommies.” She was sure he’d have many questions over the next few months.

Chris looked up then. “If the baby is going to call you mommy, can we call you mommy, too? Our first mommy is in heaven now, so maybe she won’t mind.” He looked down at his sneakers and then back up at her. The hope in his eyes made her feel like a big fist was wrapped around her heart.

Ridley glanced up to see Jackson watching them with a soft, indulgent smile. Tears sprang to her eyes. “Of course you can. I would love that. I love you both so much.”

Chris grinned then. She realized that he’d been worried she’d say no. She held open her arms and hugged them both. After a few moments, Jase squirmed until she let him down.

“Okay. Bye, Mommy!” he chirped before running off. Chris jumped up to follow him. He turned at the last minute and whispered, “Bye, Mommy,” before rushing off after his little brother.

Tears slid down her cheeks as she raised her hand to wave after him. “Bye, my sweet baby.”

Jackson sat on the couch and pulled her into his lap. “Oh, to be as resilient as a four-year-old. Nothing fazes that kid.” He squeezed her gently. “Go ahead and cry. I almost cried myself.”

Ridley did just that, then buried her face in his shirt and smiled like a fool.

As Jackson laid a gentle hand on her still-flat stomach, Ridley whispered, “I never knew I could be this happy.”

He tilted his head to one side, regarding Ridley silently for a moment. “You deserve to be happy. I’m going to do everything I can to keep you that way.”

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

Ridley shrugged. It wasn’t something she could really explain. Even though she hadn’t been that close to her own mother prior to her death, she’d felt the loss keenly every year since. There were so many holidays tied to family traditions. She and Raina had gotten used to doing things on their own. Then she’d met Jackson and everything had changed. Now they were a part of this amazing family and they would never be on their own again.

“For loving me. That’s all.”

* * * * *

AS EVERYONE CROWDED around Ridley, Eli edged closer to Kaylee. She sat on the floor near the door, obviously feeling a little left out.

She smiled slightly when Eli sat next to her. “Aren’t you supposed to be right in the thick of things? You know, peeking into your stocking?”

He wasn’t sure if she was kidding but just the mental image of him “peeking” into anything was a little too silly to be believed.

“Peeking is for little girls. If I wanted to know what was in there, I’d just dump the stuff out.” He shot her a sardonic look. “Unless my mother was looking.”

She laughed, just like he’d hoped she would. He didn’t like how lonely and lost she’d looked sitting off to the side by herself.

“Besides, I already know what’s in there. It’s always a piece of candy, a silly card that made my mom laugh in the store, and a new pair of gloves or a hat.” Even Eli could hear the affection in his voice. It was hard not to adore his mother when she so obviously adored each and every one of them.

“Sounds like you know your mom pretty well.”

“I do. She’s an amazing woman.” He fidgeted, the small box in his pocket getting heavier and heavier by the minute. Finally, he gave up on trying to think of a smooth way to give it to her and just dropped it in her lap. “This is for you.”

“You got me a gift?” Kay sat stunned, staring at the big bow on top of t

he box. Then she smiled, a genuine smile this time, her delight obvious in the way she attacked the wrapping paper.

He knew she hadn’t expected anything. It had become clear to him in the time he’d spent watching over her that she didn’t expect much from anyone. Far less than she deserved. It was foolish and a dangerous thing, but he just wanted her to know how much she deserved.

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