One More Day (The Alexanders 1) - Page 24

“So, your real name is actually Ridley?” Matt appeared on her left and she jumped. “I’m surprised you didn’t just use your real name. It’s so distinctive. Although I can understand not liking it. The only people who call me Matthew are my mother and people who want to get punched in the face. And don’t even get Mara started on her name.”

“What? Mara is perfect. Short, feminine, and easy to pronounce.”

“It’s actually Marina. My parents love to sail.” Matt rolled his eyes. “So, why do you look like you want to punch a wall now?” Matt grabbed a paper plate. “Or like you want to punch Jackson. What did he do?”

She choked down the last piece of her food. “Nothing. So, how old are Jackson’s kids?” She didn’t look at him as she asked, just put another hot dog on her plate and picked up the ketchup bottle.

Matt raised an eyebrow when she squeezed too hard and ketchup squirted all over the table. “What’s up with all this love in the air? I need to watch my back before I get hit with an arrow.”

“What? I didn’t say… I was just wondering.”

Matt looked at her from the corner of his eye. “You were just wondering where their mother is? Normally I’d make you work for it, but I like you. So, I’ll just tell you straight out that you might not want to go there. Jackson is a great guy but ever since his wife died, he hasn’t been the same.”

Ridley looked back at Jackson and the two kids clinging to him. “Oh, no. I had no idea. When they said they didn’t have a mom, I assumed it was due to divorce or something. Was it recent?”

“About three years ago. Jase had just been born. I don’t even think the boys remember her. Jackson doesn’t like talking about it, so he usually lets people assume he’s divorced. I’m only telling you this so you’ll understand why I’m warning you. You seem like a nice girl and I’d hate to see you get your heart broken.”

Jackson looked up then and their eyes met.

I understand loss, too. Believe me.

“Don’t worry about me. Jackson is just being nice since we’re neighbors. My heart is in no danger.”

But even as she said it she knew it was a lie.

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024