One More Day (The Alexanders 1) - Page 28

“Well, I hope we’ll be seeing more of you. Such a pretty girl!” She pulled Ridley into a tight hug, rocking her back and forth. When she finally released her, she smoothed a gentle hand over her hair.

Ridley blushed. “Thank you.”

“Well, excuse us, kids, but it’s time for me to say hello to the rest of the family.” Julia turned to Jackson. “Oh, and I found a nanny for you, Jackson. Remember Miss Bessie from church?”

“Miss Bessie? She used to baby-sit me. And I’m pretty sure she was really old even then.”

His mother narrowed her eyes.

“Not that it matters,” he added quickly. “Thank you for the recommendation, Mom.”

“Of course. I want my babies to be well taken care of. Speaking of which, I got new bunk beds for the boys. Why don’t you drop them off on Sunday so they can spend a few days with me? I’m due for some grandma time with my little rascals.” She glanced at Ridley with a sly smile. “You can bring Ridley with you. We’d love to see you for Sunday dinner.”

Jackson smiled knowingly. “Right. Thanks, Mom. I’ll take you up on that.” He bent over so his mother could kiss his cheek again before his parents crossed to the table where Elliott stood, bobbing his head to the music.

“Your mom is something else. Was I imagining that or is she matchmaking?” Ridley asked.

“It means she liked you. She’s probably hoping I use the kid-free time to wine and dine you.” He winked at her.

When Elliott saw their mother, he immediately cut the music and handed her a microphone.

“When she said she needed to say hi to the rest of the family I didn’t think she meant a speech.” Ridley turned to him with wide eyes.

“Welcome to life with the Alexanders.”

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024