One More Day (The Alexanders 1) - Page 43

“Be right back.” He went to the bathroom and disposed of the condom. On the way back, he peered out into the hallway to make sure the boys’ bedroom door was still closed.

She was watching him curiously when he got back into bed.

“I just wanted to make sure we didn’t wake them.”

A shy smile spread across her face before she pressed her face into the pillow. “I was loud. I couldn’t help it.”

He smirked. “I don’t want you to help it.” He slid under the covers and moved over until he was in the center of the bed.

“By the way,” he whispered. He waited until she looked over at him sleepily. “I’m sorry.”

She grinned and snuggled up against him.

“You are so forgiven.”

* * *

Wednesday afternoon, Ridley sat on the edge of the bed staring at her cell phone. Jackson had asked Katie to meet them at the park so the boys could play while they talked things over. From the screeching and loud sounds below her room, the kids were already excited.

If she was going to make her call, this was the best time to do it. Otherwise, she’d get caught up and lose track of time and if she put it off any longer she’d end up taking the easy way out by buying something new. But in the end her pragmatic nature won out and she decided to just get it over with.

Due to the time difference, it was doubtful that Raina would actually answer. She could just leave a message and then deal with the teasing later.

Hearing her sister say I told you so wasn’t something she was looking forward to.

“Hey, Ri! How are things back home?” Raina answered the phone as if she were still on East Coast time instead of it being early morning the way she knew it was in Singapore.

“Oh, hey. I’m so sorry to wake you. I didn’t think you’d actually answer.”

There was a soft whooshing sound in the background and Ridley wondered if their connection was really that bad or if she was just hearing things.

“It’s not early here. I’m in the Bahamas now. We’re in the same time zone you are.”

She’d completely forgotten that her sister never stayed in the same place for long. Although she supposed she could have at least pretended to pay attention when they’d last spoken and Raina had told her where she was going next.

“Well, the thing is, I have a favor to ask. And I don’t want you to worry that I’ll be upset if you say no.” She took a deep breath. “It’s just that Jackson has asked me to go to this industry party, but I don’t have anything to wear. I was going to buy something but I thought why do that when I know you’ve got tons of dressy stuff at your house.”

There was silence before Raina said, “Jackson asked you out?”

Ridley struggled to keep her voice neutral as she replied, “No, he didn’t ask me out. It’s for work. It’s some party his label is throwing for a new jazz singer. You know how much I love jazz.” Stop babbling, Ridley.

“Oh my god, you slept with him, didn’t you? You dirty slut!” Raina crowed.

Even from another country, no one could embarrass her quite like her sister.

“Raina! It’s not like that. I mean, yes we did, but it’s not like I just jumped on the man.” Okay, I kind of did, but whatever. “I really like him,” she surprised herself by saying.

“I can tell. I’m happy for you, Ri.” Raina did sound happy for her. She was quiet for a moment before she said, “The code is Mom’s name spelled backward. So just type out the letters N-A-O-J on the keypad. You still remember where the spare key is, right?”

“I still have it from the day I originally tried to get in.” She started mentally preparing a list of what she’d need. It didn’t make sense to keep going over there, so she might as well just pack up a suitcase and bring it back.

“You know, I wanted you to avoid my house but if you’re going to do this, at least dress up a little.”

Ridley stopped adding items to her mental list long enough to say, “Huh?”

“You know what I mean. Just dress up a little, wear some makeup for once.” Ridley wrinkled her nose at the phone. “Anyone watching will just assume that I’m home from my latest travels. No one thinks anything of my strange comings and goings at this point. I’m actually away from home more than I’m there.”

“You think I should dress as you? Why? I don’t have to hide anymore, remember? Whatever David was doing for the Morenos had nothing to do with me.”

“I’d still rather you stay invisible until Sam checks things out, but I want you to dress up for my sake. There’s usually paparazzi lurking around the house and of course they’ll assume it’s me coming home from a shoot. I don’t want to be the next ‘What NOT to Wear’ headline, so please dress up a little. Oh and don’t take Jackson with you.”

“Why not? I can do it faster with help. You’re being awfully difficult about this.”

“I’m not! It’s just that he’s too well known and I’m sure he doesn’t want to be linked to me in the media. Is there anyone else you can get to take you?”

Ridley thought back to the day of the cookout. While it had been overwhelming to meet so many people at once, she was glad she’d gone now.

“Yeah, I think I know a few people who wouldn’t mind helping out.”

* * *

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024