One More Day (The Alexanders 1) - Page 60

“Ican’t even imagine having that kind of talent.”

Jackson gestured to his ears and she realized he couldn’t hear her. She pulled the headphones off and set them down gently. She walked through the door into the glass-walled room where Jackson was.

“So, what did you think?”

“I’m blown away. That’s what I was saying in there. I can’t imagine being so talented.”

His shoulders sagged and she realized that he’d been waiting for her approval. This amazing man was waiting for what she thought.

What she felt.

“I’m glad you liked it.” He stood and leaned the guitar against the stool.

Ridley followed him as he left the room and pulled the door closed behind them. She was honored that he’d been willing to sing for her when she knew how hard it was for him. It felt like they’d taken another step today, toward what she wasn’t sure, but wherever it led, she was willing to find out.

She was hesitant to ask too many questions, afraid he would tense up and pull away from her again, but she found herself asking, “Is that one of the songs Divine is going to record?”

“No. Not every song I write ends up being good enough to record, unfortunately. I’m probably going to end up scrapping it since I can’t quite get the music right.”

She met his eyes. “It sounded perfect to me.”

He stopped. They stood staring at each other for a moment before he tipped her chin up. He pressed his lips to hers gently. Ridley stood still, completely stunned. He’d kissed her many times. Sudden kisses. Shockingly erotic kisses. Kisses in places she couldn’t even say out loud.

But he’d never kissed her like this. Like he just wanted to be close to her. Not for anything sexual but just because he craved her presence.

On the ride home Jackson seemed unusually quiet and Ridley didn’t try to fill the silence with small talk. She was too preoccupied with her own thoughts about the events of the night.

They pulled into the Masons’ driveway and Jackson left the car running while he jogged up the steps and hit the doorbell. Katie opened the door, juggling a tricycle and a toddler. Jackson grabbed the tricycle before it hit him in the shins and chucked the toddler under the chin. A second later, he came back down the driveway carrying Jase while Chris followed. After he buckled them both into their car seats, they continued down the street.

After they entered the house, the boys ran up the stairs, stomping and shrieking. Jackson waited until they were out of sight before grabbing Ridley around the waist and burying his face in her hair.

“Sorry for all the drama tonight. I should have warned you what we were dealing with before we got there.”

She turned in his embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck. She breathed in his earthy scent before turning her face up to his.

“It’s okay. I’m just glad I was there. I really think Kaylee is having a hard time.”

“I’m glad you were there, too.”

Stroking a hand down the side of his cheek, she felt his quick intake of breath. His cheek felt rough against her palm and he turned his head to press a kiss to her fingers.

Ridley sucked in a breath at the look of tenderness that crossed Jackson’s face. She swallowed against the sudden lump in her throat. There were so many things she wanted to tell him. That she was sorry for bringing up bad memories. That his wife’s accident wasn’t his fault.

That she couldn’t imagine her life without him.

But what if he wasn’t ready to hear it? Things were moving so fast and she had no idea if he would feel the same way. She couldn’t take it if she bared her heart only to realize he wasn’t capable of returning her feelings.

A door slammed upstairs and they jumped apart.

“I guess I should get the boys ready for bed.” Jackson kissed her forehead and then crossed to the stairs. She watched him go, temporarily hypnotized by the sight of his broad shoulders flexing beneath his shirt.

The man didn’t know the effect he had on her. She couldn’t seem to think about anything other than being with him. Making love to him.

That’s because you’re falling in love with him.

There had been no words of love spoken between them, just words of passion. She was old enough and wise enough to know the difference. They’d agreed to a “no-strings” arrangement just to avoid these types of entanglements. And she couldn’t blame him for that. She’d started this knowing exactly what she was getting into. She wouldn’t allow her pride to get in the way of enjoying the time they did have together. She could be cosmopolitan and sophisticated if she had to be. She would act as if it was no big deal and she wouldn’t cry her eyes out over a man who obviously didn’t love her.

But she couldn’t deny that the day he decided he was done with her was going to tear her heart out.

* * *

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024