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One More Day (The Alexanders 1)

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“There you are, son. We’ve been waiting for you.” His father slapped Jackson on the back before turning his bright smile toward Ridley.

“Hello again, Ridley.” Julia pulled her into a warm hug. “Jackson never brings anyone home to meet us, but I had a feeling we’d see you again.” Beaming, she ran an affectionate hand over Jackson’s face.

Ridley could only stare as Jackson blushed and turned away. She had assumed Jackson brought all his girlfriends home. A warm feeling flowed through her as Jackson hugged her to his side.

“Jackson told us about your troubles. We’re so sorry to hear that, but glad you’re here with us safe and sound. We are both delighted to see our baby has finally met his match.” Hooking her arm through Ridley’s, she pulled her toward the house. “So, tell me about yourself, Ridley. Do you have family here?”

“Mom, we’ll have time to talk later, okay? I was just going to show Ridley the farm.” Jackson sent a beseeching look to his father, who luckily seemed to get the hint.

“Come along, Julia. Let’s give the lovebirds some time alone.” Draping an arm over his wife’s shoulders, he silenced her with a kiss before pulling her into the house, the screen door banging shut behind them.

“Sorry about that. Sometimes my parents can get a little carried away.”

“Don’t be. They’re absolutely charming. I can’t wait to talk with your mother later and find out all your dirty secrets. Did you suck your thumb like Jase? Maybe she’ll show me some of your embarrassing childhood photographs.” Ridley couldn’t contain her laughter at the stricken look on Jackson’s face.

“I’m just kidding. I’m sure your mom just wants to make sure I’m worthy of her baby boy’s attention.” She smiled sweetly and kissed Jackson playfully on the cheek.

Before she could pull away, Jackson turned his head and captured her lips in a stirring kiss. Heat climbed from her core and spread outward.

“I don’t think I want your parents to know how wild you make me, so maybe we should finish the tour.”

He groaned and grabbed her hand. They skipped down the stairs leading from the porch to the backyard. He pointed to the left.

“We have several fields, but I know that’s the corn. That was just planted. It should be harvested in August. We used to put the husks on our heads and pretend to be scarecrows as kids.”

Ridley laughed. “What about over there?”

He followed her finger. “Those are pastures for the horses and the cows. We only have a few dairy cows. Mom also got some goats a few years back because she wanted to experiment with making goat cheese. She’s made some pretty good stuff so far.”

They walked farther, hand in hand. Ridley tilted her face up to the sun and took a deep breath. It was the perfect day to tour a farm. The fields spread out before them as far as she could see, rolling acres of lush green and golden hay. They stopped near a fence and Jackson climbed up and sat on the edge.

“Are these berries?” Ridley knelt and peered at a bush laden with black fruit.

He chuckled. “Yes, those are blackberries. We can pick some later if you like. They look ripe.” He hopped down and pulled one from the bush, then popped it in his mouth. “Yeah, they’re definitely ripe. Really sweet, too.”

“Did you just eat that? Without washing it first?”

Jackson chucked her under the chin. “I can tell you’re a city girl. Trust me, I’ll be fine. My grandmother used to pull apples off that tree right there and bite them as she worked. She got one with a worm once and just ate around it.”

She laughed and allowed him to drag her toward the edges of the property. Looking back at the house, Ridley felt a tingle of anticipation. At this distance, she and Jackson essentially were alone.

“Where are you taking me?”

“The barn.” His terse answer told her more than what he actually said. He walked faster until they reached the open barn door. The smell of hay hit her first, a warm, sweet smell redolent of earth and nature.

As soon as they were out of sight of the house, Jackson lifted her until she melded against his body, chest to chest, with her legs wrapped around his body. He nestled into the hot space between her thighs. Pressing harder, he was rewarded by a tiny whimper in the back of her throat.

Trailing a line of kisses down the delicate column of her neck, he sucked at the base.

“I thought you were showing me around?”

“I am. This is the barn. Say hello to the horses. Tour over.” He toyed with the edge of her earlobe with the tip of his tongue.

“Jackson! Ridley!”

They pulled apart reluctantly at the sound of his mother’s voice in the distance.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been busted making out with a girl in the barn. Feels like old times.”

“Oh, is that right?” She pinched him and he laughed, grabbing her hands before she could do any more damage.

“Yeah, you saw what a lady-killer I was back in high school. With my mullet.”

They tried to stifle their laughter as they straightened their clothes, but it was nearly impossible. Once they looked somewhat decent, they joined hands and snuck back to the party.

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