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Bully Next Door

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“Oh, right, of course.” Because she could totally handle being in his company for longer than necessary. It wasn’t going to be a problem.

Verity stepped to one side and instructed Hector on how to sear the tomatoes and cook the mushrooms. Their toast was already waiting on their plates, and once they were ready, she got him to serve up. They hadn’t made too much mess on this first breakfast.

With a coffee for each of them in hand, Verity walked to the table, while Hector followed her, carrying their plates of food.

“There we go,” Hector said.

He took a seat opposite her. His table was a small square one. Only suitable for four people.

“How is it?” she asked.

He chopped into a mushroom, did the same with a tomato, and shoved it in his mouth, chewing and following it with a bite of toast. “That is so good.”


“I love that hit of pepper. Damn, that’s good. And this stuff is basic?” he asked.

“Pretty much. I’m glad you like.”

He let out another moan. “You’re good.”


She was happy he thought so. Eating her own food, she couldn’t help but steal glances of him, wondering what he was thinking.

Not once did he look at her, and she wasn’t going to be that girl. Get your head on straight, Verity. This is crazy. There was no way she was going to fall for him. Not as the bully nor as her neighbor.

“So, what are we eating tonight?”

“I was thinking we could practice a curry, and I could get you to soak some oats. How does that sound?”

“Sounds like we’re in for a busy evening. Bring Cutie around with you, if you’d like. Where is she?”

“She’s asleep.” Verity laughed. “She doesn’t like to wake up in the morning until she is good and ready. She’s very spoiled.”

“You know, I was wondering. Do you like, have kids or something?” Hector asked.

“No, why?”

“I was just wondering.”

“Do you have kids?” she asked.


“Okay then.” She shook her head, a little confused by the question but determined to enjoy her breakfast.

Chapter Four

One week later

Hector couldn’t remember ever eating so well.

“And you’re following doctor’s orders?” Sean asked.

“I had a scare, Sean. I’m fine.”

“You know what he said.”

“I don’t have anything to stress about. I’m taking it easy. I’m following orders. I’m learning how to fucking cook, so I don’t keep ordering takeout. For your information, I’ve been eating damn vegan the past week, okay?”

“Wow, okay, dude. What is your problem?” Sean asked.

Hector groaned. “Shit, I snapped, didn’t I?”

“Missing work?”

“Not at all. Well, yes, of course I’m missing work. You know I love to be the center of attention.”

“Don’t be a dick.”

“I’m not being a dick.” He groaned. “Sorry. I was wondering. Did you and Verity, like, go out when we were younger? Back in high school?”


“She says hi, by the way.” He’d been calling Sean every other day, and he hadn’t gotten the courage to actually tell his friend that Verity wanted to say hi.

“What’s going on here?” Sean asked.

“Nothing’s going on.”

“You like Verity, don’t you?”

“That’s none of your business,” Hector said. “Shit, I did it again.”

“Right. Look, you can take your jealousy and shove it, okay? If you like her, just fucking say so.”

“Okay, fine. I like her, okay?” he asked, snapping.

Sean laughed. “I knew it. There’s no way you would have been wasting your time stalking her if you didn’t.”

“I don’t stalk her.”

“You watch her in her garden and it’s all innocent.”

“Screw you,” he said, but he was smiling.

He and Sean could do this. They could scream at each other, but they never allowed it to affect their friendship or the way they ran things. They didn’t allow the past to eat at them.

“Verity and I spent most of our time studying. Every now and again, we’d help each other out. We’d have a few laughs, but other than that, nothing. Why? Does she want more?”

“No. She just wanted me to tell you she said hi, and asked how you were doing.”

“What’s going on, Hector?”

He sighed.

Verity would be around in ten minutes to get set up for dinner. So far, that was all they did together. Cook. He didn’t mind. He was happy for any excuse he could get to spend time with her, but in the process, he wanted things to develop.

Around Verity, he lost his edge.

He knew he was a dick to her back in the day, but that guy was long gone. There was no way he was going to hurt her, in any way.

“I … like her,” Hector said, cringing as he spoke it aloud.

“Right, and that’s a problem?”

“How do you … you know, get a woman to realize that you … like her?”

“You tell them? This is just a guess. Since when is the great Hector Carter afraid of women?”

“I’m not afraid of women. I’m just used to them fawning all over me, and well, Verity doesn’t strike me as the begging kind.” He groaned. “Damn it. You know what, I want you to forget this whole conversation. I’m good. We’re good. I’m taking care of myself. I’m learning to cook, and I’m not under any kind of stress.”

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