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Bully Next Door

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“What has been your greatest achievement of life so far?” she asked.

“That’s an easy one. The day Sean and I opened the doors of our company, and we already had a hundred employees. Greatest feeling ever. You?”

Verity had to think for a few minutes. “Getting my cookbook deal. The only problem is that it’s tinged with a bit of sadness. I know my mom would have gotten a kick out of it. We’d have celebrated too. Some wine, maybe? I would’ve cooked us both an amazing meal. I try to avoid eating out.” She sighed. “I’m not sure I like this game.”

Hector took her hands. “What is the one thing you’d like me to do to you?”

“You do plenty.”

“You don’t have any fantasies?” He kissed her knuckles, and she sighed, cupping his face.

“No, I don’t. I like what we have. It’s fun.”

“Do you have any limits?” Hector asked.

Verity frowned. “Is this where you want the conversation to go?” She turned back to her stove and flicked the heat off. The dahl was ready.

She reached for a couple of bowls, serving them both a generous portion.

Turning back toward Hector, she put the bowl in front of him and opened the drawer for a couple of spoons. With them in the bowls, she picked them up and carried them toward her living room.

Cutie was curled up in the spare chair she never used.

Sitting on the sofa, she handed Hector a bowl.

“Are you like a secret dominant?” she asked.

“No. I’m not. I’m not into tying people up or whips and chains. However, tying you up and having my way with you, that sounds like a lot of fun.”

“You’re right, it does. Do we need a safeword?” she asked.

“A simple no would work.”

Verity chuckled as he scrunched up his nose.

“What do you think about starting a family?” he asked.

“I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it.” She sighed, eating a spoonful of dahl. “I think when I was a kid, I imagined getting married to some kind of handsome prince. I used to want to have a marriage like my parents. Then I got older and realized that marriages could be one big fat lie, and then I never wanted to get married.”

“And now?”

“I don’t know what I do want. Marriage and kids seem so … scary. Don’t they to you?”

“I didn’t think I wanted kids or to get married, but I am thinking about them a lot now.”

“I know, right.” Verity frowned. She had noticed that since moving in and working on her cookbook, it was all she seemed to think about. The future. What she wasn’t going to admit to Hector was that she had fantasies about it with him. Yeah, the bully from her past featured in her present and future plans. She imagined him in a beautiful wedding tuxedo, waiting for her down the aisle. She even thought about what it would mean to be pregnant with his kid.

Every now and then, she’d look in the mirror, putting her hands on her stomach, wondering if their crazy sexual roulette had created a baby. It wasn’t like they were careful. They rarely were.

She always intended to use condoms. There was a box of them in her room, and she knew Hector had them, but the moment he touched her, all thoughts went out of her mind. All she wanted was his cock inside her, fucking her, taking her.

It was crazy.


So very fucking stupid.

She didn’t even have the first clue where it was all coming from. It made no sense to her.

What did scare her a little bit was that she wasn’t repulsed by the idea of having it all with Hector Carter.

Chapter Seven

“You are actually nervous,” Verity said.

Hector looked in the oven for the hundredth time to make sure his pie wasn’t catching. Sean loved a pie, and to make sure Verity could eat with them, he’d been sure to use all vegetables and vegan-friendly products. Of course, Verity had also been here assisting him.

Now she looked so fucking gorgeous. She’d left him alone for ten minutes to go and change. She returned wearing this sexy red summer dress that seemed to mold to her tits like a second skin, pushing them together and showcasing her hot cleavage that made him want to rest his head against it and kiss.

In fact, Verity just made him want to fuck her. There was no logic to his thinking.

With Sean arriving soon, he knew he wasn’t going to be able to make it last. He also needed to get Sean alone so he could warn his friend not to say anything as to why he needed to be on this vacation in the first place.

“I’m not nervous. I just … I want this to go great.”

“And it will. You’ve got to stop stressing out. Did you know it will give you wrinkles?” Verity said, flicking her long hair over her shoulder.

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