Pack Master (Vampire Kings 3) - Page 2

He was aware he needed to feed Will. Draining him and fucking him would take the edge off his madness, but it would not sate his hunger. Only human flesh could do that. So he squeezed and he stroked, he thrust and he devoured until they were both at the perfect point of release. He held Will there, cupping his balls, feeling that tension and that strain. It was a beautiful, bloody, terrible torment and he reveled in it.

Maddox came first, taking precedence in all things, filling his boy with forbidden seed. He had mated so many in his time, but none of them had ever felt like Will. There was a heat and a resistance with his boy that no others could ever replicate. Will fought even in submission. He was impossible to ever truly completely dominate because there was always that spark of wildness burning forever inside him.

Will screamed and followed suit, a rough, primal sound erupting from him as that familiar hot seed splashed over Maddox’s hand and the floor below. It was a mess, a delightful mess. Mad picked Will up and left him in the cage, the door securely closed. Will was slumped on the floor panting, dripping seed from his rear. Mad went downstairs to get the boy’s reward.

Sex, even quick, urgent, desperate sex was a welcome relief from what had become a much darker morning routine, one neither one of them enjoyed in the slightest.

Maddox did not like it because he knew it hurt his boy. Will did not like it because he was possessed by the spirit of a wild beast that demanded he behave in abhorrent ways and consume terrible things.

As Maddox retrieved his boy’s breakfast, he heard the cage bars beginning to bang again. The brief reprieve of orgasm had already faded, and the wild had reclaimed him. Maddox’s expression was grim as he tried to rationalize the situation as being in any way acceptable.

It was not merely the fact that William had to eat people. It was that he hated it. It disgusted him. It made him loathe himself. It frightened him too. He would wolf the meat down and then he’d nearly retch at the knowledge of what he’d done. At this moment, he was in the hungry and desperate phase of things.

Sure enough, when Maddox returned upstairs, he found Will clinging to the bars. Post orgasmic fury was even more intense than it had been before.

“ARRRGGGHH!” Will threw himself against the bars of the cage, snarling and salivating. “Let me out!”

“You can come out when you’ve eaten and had your little transformation and taken a nap.” Maddox was calm, his tone measured even as he stood outside the cage in their bedroom, a stainless-steel bucket containing contraband flesh in one gloved hand.

“Let me out now! I want to hunt!” Will’s eyes were wild. Right now he barely looked like the same man he had been when Maddox freed him from prison. He barely looked like a human at all. He looked like an animal trapped in a very uncomfortable person suit.

“I am not going to let you hunt the general populace, William.” Maddox was firm, but calm. Any kind of emotional display would only set Will off. He was so close to animal right now Mad had to be careful of everything, including his tone. “I’ve brought you some meat, you won’t be hungry much longer.”

“Dead meat!” Will cursed. “I need fresh meat!”

In about twenty minutes, he would sob with regret for everything he was saying and doing, but for now his instincts were so powerful and intense they drove every part of him.

“You will take what you are given, boy,” Maddox said sternly. He was not disgusted by Will’s appetites as Will was, and he knew this brutal, angsty cycle would not end until Will accepted it in his calm and human state. That was going to be a journey of a thousand meals, one that had started with a simple snack.

Mad tossed a lump of raw meat into the cage. In the beginning he had always cooked it, tried to make it look and feel like a proper human meal, sanitizing the cruelty of it, but Will’s appetite was stronger when the flesh was still warm from the kill. This was chilled, but fresh. Someone who had crossed Maddox recently no longer had the responsibility of life.

Maddox fed Will through the bars, the same way tigers are fed by their keepers. In spite of his petulant, snarling annoyance at not being allowed to hunt it down himself, Will fell upon the meat, grasping it with both hands and wolfing it down with those great gulping dog bites that are all swallow, no chew. He ate every last bit of it, licking the sanguine essence from his fingers, careful not to miss a single drop. When he was certain there was nothing left at all, he let out a wild howl, a primal sound of anguish and pain. He collapsed to his hands and knees, and the terrible transformation began again…

Tags: Loki Renard Vampire Kings Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025