Pack Master (Vampire Kings 3) - Page 33

“You have always been mine,” Maddox growled possessively. “Henry was never intended to replace me. I knew you'd loathe him. But you needed to be around your kind. You needed to see others consuming flesh in ways that did not horrify you to your core.”

“Would have gone better if they weren’t all constantly trying to kill my father. Where is Ivan now?”

“I will ensure no real harm comes to him, but I will not discuss the matter. It unsettles you, and you need to be settled. Do not worry about anybody else, boy. You only ever need to worry about me.”

“Then you’ll have to give me something to worry about.” Will smirked mischievously. He was throbbing hard in anticipation of a sane carnal session with his master.

Maddox smiled back at him, a deep and loving smirk. “What might you be worried about?”

“Something long and hard. Something deep inside me. Your dick.”

Maddox’s smile broadened. “So much for subtlety.”

“It's never been my thing,” Will smirked.

“Let me oblige you, my boy.”

Maddox moved faster than any human could see. From Will’s perspective they were lying in bed one moment and the next he was being pulled up by his hips, which put him on hands and knees. The perfect position to receive. Will swung his hips back and forth, feeling his unseen tail.

“You’re perfect,” Maddox said, slapping his ass with a sharp swat. “Look at that hide. Look at that tight hole.”

He could be crude when he wished to be, but not only did Will not mind, it made him thrill to Maddox’s desire even more. The fact that his master was letting some of his perfectly controlled facade down could not have pleased Will more.

“I like you filthy,” he moaned as Maddox spread him open and held him like that, inspecting his nethers with that dominating eye.

“I like you every way, boy,” Maddox replied. “I have been fucking since the dawn of time, and you are the most exquisite little treasure I’ve ever had the pleasure of filling.”

Compliments were somewhat rare from Maddox, not because he didn’t have anything nice to say, but because Will was almost always fucking up. Even now, he was still technically just done fucking up, it was just that everybody else had been such a spectacular pain he looked good in comparison.

He felt the cool drizzle of oil over his ass, spilling back and forth across his cheeks in a sensuous cascade, and felt his lower belly tighten with anticipation. Finally. He was going to get what he wanted.

Maddox was in the mood to make a mess. After the night he’d had, dominating Will was like a dark oasis of perfection. His boy really was his perfect match and mate in every way. Not because he was good or obedient, but because he was beautiful and wild.

“I fell for you the moment I saw you,” he said, taking his cock and using the shaft to smear oil over Will's cheeks, making those muscular rounds gleam. There was pleasure to be had in simply caressing this boy, this monster made by fickle fate. Maddox felt as though William had been brought out of the twin ethers of human and beast to belong to him. When they were together, everything felt right. Maddox had never expected to feel this deeply for any human, let alone a chaotic young one like Will.

He teased his boy, letting the head of his cock drift slowly down between Will’s cheeks, brushing it over the winking tightness of his hole, and then drawing it away again. He knew how badly his boy needed to be fucked, how much Will craved domination. Will’s need to be mastered was an equal and opposite measure of Maddox’s need to master him. Usually he reveled in rough demonstrations of his carnal power, but this time he wanted to draw the moment out and make it as close to eternal as possible. He wanted Will to feel the depth of his desire, how hard his cock was, how much he needed his boy.

“I hated you the minute I laid eyes on you,” Will moaned.

It was not sweet, but it was true. He had been such a hurt, feral little thing without anybody to trust. Hate was all he had known. Maddox hadn’t minded it then, and he did not mind it now. Better to be hated than adored with a cloying mindlessness. Will had never seen him as an ancient vampire master. Will barely showed any interest in anything that happened longer ago than last week. To his boy, he was a contemporary, a man who owned him who happened to be a vampire.

“And now?” Maddox leaned forward, smoothing his palm down Will’s spine until his fingers took hold of a handful of thick, dark hair, and the head of his cock slid to sit poised at the entrance of William’s body.

Tags: Loki Renard Vampire Kings Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025