Pack Master (Vampire Kings 3) - Page 38

“You've been taught to loathe yourself so much that you can’t believe it when someone likes you. I’m not being that nice to you, Lorien. I’m eating pizza, not showering you with gold coins. It’s pretty basic.”

“True. Sorry.”

He returned to playing, because playing the song was better than opening his mouth in any other way. Every time he tried to speak to Henry, he ended up sounding more stupid than he had the time before.

When he finished the tune, he sat for a second in silence. And then words came. Words he’d never imagined anyone would be interested in hearing.

“I’ve tried to move with the times,” he explained. “But 1930 is where my soul resides. It’s odd. I forget. It’s not been that long, but now I almost feel as though I am a stranger to who I was.”

“What we were and what we are can be hard to resolve.”

“Impossible, in my case,” Lorien said. “I’ve gone and made myself all melancholy.”

“It’s okay.”

"The world is not as it was. And that’s a good thing, for the most part. When I was alive, a man who wanted another man could be hanged for it. The modern world is a much happier place. Much less hateful. Much more hopeful.” Lorien closed the piano lid and leaned on it with one elbow. “I’m lucky to have been able to see this future, and to live in it.”

“Were you with anybody back then?”

“No. I was too afraid to pursue any of my impulses. I thought they were wrong. It took me a long time to learn any different. And we were at war.”

“You were a soldier?”

“Intelligence officer, believe it or not.”

“I do believe it,” Henry said. “You’re smart and you’re sensitive. Aware of the dynamics around you.”

“That's a very long-winded way of saying I’m thin skinned,” Lorien smirked.

“You know what? You turn another one of my compliments into an insult, and I will take my belt to you.” Henry was smiling, but he did not appear to be joking.

Lorien held up his hands in surrender. “No need for that,” he said. “I’m about done being beaten.”

“Good. Because there are better things we can do with each other. Come here.” Henry crooked his finger at Lorien. Lorien hesitated for a second, then got up and approached the wolf.

Henry wrapped his arms around Lorien’s waist and pulled him close, his face at waist height. Lorien looked down at Henry, feeling himself throbbing behind the fabric of his pants, knowing that Henry must also know the state he was in.

He felt the pack master’s fingers at his fly, freeing his cock. Freeing him.

He let out a groan, too afraid to speak and break this brilliant, mad, erotic spell that seemed to have been cast over the pair of them.

Henry did not say a word either. Instead, he acted. Henry took Lorien between his lips, slowly and luxuriously drawing Lorien into the hot, wet depths of his mouth. Lorien submitted; though it was he who stood over Henry, his cock penetrating Henry’s flesh, it was he who was undoubtedly in thrall to this magnetic master of men and beasts alike.

Lorien could barely name the last time he had been pleasured. Months, maybe years ago. He had kept himself separate from any who might have become lovers, preferring instead to plot in shadows and marinate in carnal misery. Henry had broken down those old barriers and come through them bearing blowjobs.

It was the best oral Lorien had ever had, because it was the first time it came from anybody who really wanted him to feel pleasure. Henry wasn’t just doing things to him because it was hot to do them. Henry was sucking him like his cock was the key to eternal happiness, paying particular attention to the sensitive spot on the underside of his cock, his big, tattooed hand working the shaft as his lips worked their magic on the flared head.

Lorien threw his head back, his eyes closed as he attempted to maintain some kind of control. But what control could there be when he was being drawn down a path of intense pleasure, every bit of his being focused on the part of him being lovingly caressed by the pack master?

He gripped Henry’s head and shoulder for balance as orgasm started to rush through him. It was a powerful feeling, more intense for being shared with someone like Henry. He heard himself grunting and moaning like an animal, losing all composure and control. Henry stayed with him, keeping up the wet, hot intensity of it all, sucking with tight strokes until he’d drained every drop of Lorien's seed into his belly.

“Unholy…” Lorien was unsteady as his cock slid out of Henry’s mouth, sated and softer. “Thank you.”

Henry smiled broadly. “Such a polite vampire,” he said, patting his lap. “C’mere. Sit. You look like you need it.”

Tags: Loki Renard Vampire Kings Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025