Pack Master (Vampire Kings 3) - Page 48

A tear traced down Lorien’s cheek, one little droplet of emotion and humility. He saw pain in Henry’s eyes, just from the mere idea of him being hurt. Life had changed. Someone cared about him. Really cared about him. Maddox cared, but not this way. Not the way that made Lorien realize that getting hurt would be the same as hurting Henry directly.

“I’ll try.”

Henry smiled warmly and ran his fingers through Lorien’s long hair, clenching them in that way that half-felt good and held, half-felt like his hair was being pulled out by the roots.

“I’d really like it if you could learn these lessons without having to have them whipped into you. Not that I mind thrashing you, but you have a lot to learn and I am worried I’m going to get RSI if I have to spank every bit of emotional sense into you.”

“I’ll be more careful,” Lorien promised. “For you.”

“Nope. Misunderstood the lesson already. Not for me. For you.”

“Can I start with being careful for you and work my way up to being careful for me?”

Henry used his free hand to slap Lorien’s cheek lightly enough that it might still be considered a love tap.

“I’ll take it. For now.”

He used the hand in Lorien’s hair to push him toward the floor. Lorien grunted as his face met the polished wood. This was a rougher side of Henry. This was a side he had baited out from the beginning, the one that had made him flee. He’d feared Henry in brief moments, but there was no room for fear in the midst of this intense arousal.

Lorien let Henry pin him on the floor, heard the unmistakeable sound of a belt being loosened and a zipper sliding down. He couldn’t hear Henry’s hard cock springing free, but he felt the length of it slap his smacked ass. He was rock fucking hard now too, turned on and emotional and ready for carnal catharsis.

“I’m going to fuck this ass. Remind you who you belong to. Remind you that you belong. Period.”

Henry proceeded to make good on that promise with a harsh thrust deep inside Lorien. He rode his vampire mount with aggressive intensity, stretching and pounding Lorien into an erotic haze. There was a moment in the midst of it all where Lorien's fangs dropped, but there was no opportunity to bite with head down and ass up, chest and face pressed to the floor as Henry unleashed all his ardor on him.

“You’re mine. You’ll always be mine.”

“You’ll barely last a fraction of my existence, but the sentiment is sweet.”

Anybody else might have been saddened by the comment, but Henry knew what it really was. A challenge, and an invitation to fuck Lorien so hard he’d remember it for the rest of his immortal life. He tightened his grip and redoubled his efforts, pounding Lorien's ass with harder strokes than before.

“I've never been able to fuck anybody like this," Henry grunted above him. “Always had to be careful not to do damage, but you can’t be damaged, can you? You’ll always heal again.”

Henry fucked like a beast, leaning forward over Lorien, his teeth gripping the back of his neck, his back arching and humping with an intensity that resulted in a near total destruction of all remaining clothing, and a hot sheen of sweat coating Lorien’s back. He could feel the beast pumping inside him, the desperate rutting of one who had never known anything other than life. He was still human in appearance, but Lorien could feel the animal rising ever closer to the surface. Henry was not a person. He was a creature, a thing, just like Lorien.

“You’ll fucking kill me,” he gasped as Henry pulled all the way out and thrust all the way in.

“I can’t kill you.”


“Shut up,” Henry growled, releasing Lorien’s hair and clamping the hand over his mouth. “I don’t want to hear your words. I don’t want to hear anything besides your screams.”

He set about making sure that was all he could hear, ravaging Lorien with a desperate thoroughness that left Lorien absolutely unable to do anything besides whimper softly against the concrete floor. It went without saying that Henry’s seed soon flooded Lorien’s inner sanctum, giving permission and encouragement for Lorien’s orgasm to burst forth, coating Maddox’s floor with a thick stream of come.

“Now,” Henry said, standing up, leaving Lorien where he lay. “Let’s have some ice cream.”

“Can’t eat ice cream.”


Henry's belt came down against Lorien’s upturned, cum drenched ass with an unexpected flash of raw heat. Lorien gasped. He’d been about to get up, his palms were flattened against the floor, chest half-raised. The stroke put him down again very effectively.

“What was that for?”

“With you there's always a reason, even if I don't know it yet.”

“You’re mad because I can’t have ice cream?” Lorien turned his head and looked at Henry as he towered over him. Henry was fucking hot from the floor, his dark eyes two dark pools of post-coital aggression. He was naked from the waist up, covered in sweat and tattoos, a faint smear of shining seed running down the length of his pubic hair. The belt double looped in his big hand made Lorien’s cock throb again.

Tags: Loki Renard Vampire Kings Paranormal
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025