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The Mafioso's Lily: The Flower of the Month

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As we walked in, I watched her eyes, alive with excitement at the music and atmosphere, and for the first time, pride was in my chest. We were seated immediately, and though I let them know with a shake of my head not to acknowledge me, they still pulled out all the stops. Full of excitement and a joy I don't get to see unless she is with the baby, she asked to try everything in the menu, and my cock leaked into my pants. I love that she eats and has meat on her bones. You have no idea how many nights I have stayed up, stroking my cock, eyes squeezed tight as I pictured gripping her lush curves while I fucked her until she was bred.

"Oh my gosh. This is delicious." she said, mouth full of Ropa Vieja. When she licked the juice from the dish from the corner of her mouth, I groaned, shifting in my seat, so my cock could stop trying to thump the table.

"It sure looks like it."

"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. I should have offered you some." She shoved the plate toward me, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. My sweet angel.

The rest of the meal went fine until the fucking waiter came by the table and decided to flirt with her. That pissed me the fuck off and soured my mood, and then once again, I turned into an asshole. Thank fuck when my phone buzzed, and it was Dario telling me he needed me back at the compound.

Now, here I am the day after, watching her once again in the pool with Jewel and the baby, and I am back to being the creeping asshole, pissed that I can't do anything but look. I am behind the counter, hiding my cock that is trying to stretch my pants to the point of pain, watching his woman fill out every inch of her bikini, giving all the fucking guards a show.

Skin glistening and glowing from the sun, I watch as she gets out of the pool like a creature from the sea, sexy and wet. She makes her way toward me, and even though I know she is coming into the kitchen probably for something to drink, my anger is irrational and more at the surface than it has been this entire time. She stops when she sees my face, which is certainly scowled and laced with need, camouflaged as anger.

"Is everything alright?" She asks, her worry showing by the nibble she gives her lips that I want to be sucking on.

"No. Everything is not alright. Can you put on some damn clothes?" I regret it the moment it leaves my mouth. Before I can retract, she runs from the room, sniffling. Fuck.

"Are you fucking serious, Click? You won't take her and make her yours, so instead, you hurt her? That girl doesn't need that shit, big brother. Fix it." Damn. When Jewel lays into me, I always feel one hundred times worse.

"You heard the queen. Fix it." Where the hell did he come from? I look at both of them, everything in me fighting against what I need to do. I know I need to apologize, but I also know if I go into her room, that might be the last straw.

"Click." Jewel's no-nonsense tone has me moving. I stop outside her door, listening in like the creeper I have become. When I hear a sniffle and a sob, my heart stops beating. She is crying because of me, and it makes me want to draw blood from my own veins in penance. Knock. Knock. She doesn't answer, but the sobbing also doesn't stop. No longer able to stand and listen to her shed tears over my own stupidity, I open the door and enter.

"Lily… little one, please don't cry. I'm sorry." I tell her, standing by the door, trying to keep a safe distance between us. Not that it fucking matters. I just said the name I use for her in my head out loud. No going back now.

"I'm fine. You didn't need to come up here." She answers, her back to me. I want to fall to my knees and demand she look at me, restore me, forgive me.

"Yes I did, baby. I needed to tell you how sorry I am that for one second I made you feel anything other than the Goddess you are." Great. Keep moving closer and closer to danger. Her head turns and her red blotchy face, gorgeous and innocent, looks at me skeptically.

"I am used to being a nuisance and dismissed. No one has ever paid much attention to me besides my sisters. I'm fine." she turns away from me once again, and I feel like I am once again encased in ice.

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