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The Mafioso's Lily: The Flower of the Month

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"Julio," I whimper; every nerve ending in my body is in tune with his words, and it is making me shake like just coming out of the ocean on a breezy day.

"I know, baby. I know. First, I need you to do what I have asked. You are still not completely bared to me, little one. Fix it." His command is more than I can take. On shaky legs, I untie the sides of my bottoms, whimpering as they hit the floor, the dampness sliding against my legs. I could argue it was from being in the pool, but I am done lying to myself. It is all from him. "Lie back, Lily." The hoarseness from his voice is the only thing that points to how out of control he is feeling. His voice, normally smoky and deep, is now laden with need and something else. God, it is a heady feeling. I am doing that to this man. Me. I am driving him out of his mind.

I know I am leaving a trail of dew as I slide to the middle of the bed and lie back. My tits bounce up and harden as my breathing picks up. My eyes are closed, not out of fear but out of sheer exigency. With my eyes closed, my other senses are heightened, making this moment more erotic and urgent. I hear his belt as it hits the floor. The thump is like an anvil on my chest, warning me that I no longer have the option to walk away. I don't hear anything else for a moment, then I feel his breath on my lips. "Julio." I call out his name. I want him to know I am dying at this moment.

"Kiss me." His lips touch mine after his command, and fireworks light up the sky. My mouth opens in gasps and pleas for more. His tongue slides into my mouth, and I am being transported. My hands are all over him, pulling him into me, trying to meld our bodies into one another, desperately needing to be one with him. He dominates this kiss as I imagine he will do with everything that happens between us. "I knew you would fucking taste like vanilla and cinnamon. Is your pussy as hot as your mouth, my flower?" I can't answer him. I am gone. I am so wrapped up in the feeling of his mouth on mine, biting and nipping at my lips that I can't think. I try to kiss him back, show him that I want this, but the force of his kiss, the weight of his mouth on mine, lets me know I don't need to prove anything.

Slowly his kisses leave my mouth and make their way down my body. Each movement he makes is cemented with a bite and more worship than I ever thought I would find. His wet mouth laves my nipples and torments them, biting and sucking them over and over, back and forth from one to the other driving me out of mind. My hands grip his head in a punishing pull, one meant to warn him not to stop, but my lover…my dream… my Julio, laughs and bites before blowing on them, soothing the pain he caused, which also makes my pussy gush. "Julio, please."

"You will take what I give you like a good girl. Do you trust me, Lily?" His eyes implore me to say yes, and so does my body, but the truth is, my heart has been saying yes ever since I arrived here.

"With my life." I simply tell him the truth, no longer trying to hold anything in. I want this man to know that if he wants me, he has all of me.

"Then trust me to give you what you need, little one." I nod and lay back down, showing him the only way I can. He kisses and licks my nipples once more before moving down to my stomach. Automatically out of habit, I suck it. Smack.

"W-what…” I yelp when his hand connects with my pussy and not in the way I have imagined.

"Don't ever try to hide any part of you from me, baby. I love every curvy, lush inch of you. This stomach is going to house all of my sons. I am going to worship it as it stretches and grows and swells with the evidence of my ownership.”


“I am going to kiss it and grip it as I fuck the next one into you six weeks after the new one is born. This body is going to be the vessel to our family, baby. There is no part of you that won't be adored by me. Do you understand?" Gush. Shoot. I love this man.



I feel like a schoolboy looking at pussy for the first time in his life. Lifting her leg, I kiss her left foot from her cute, pink-painted toes up to the middle of her thigh. Sinking my teeth in, I mark them, sucking and licking the sting. "Julio." She whines my name and squirms. My eyes trail her plump pussy and watch the dew accumulate. Moving to her next leg, I do the same, eyes closed, inhaling the smell of her ripe snatch as she leaks for me.

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