The Mafioso's Lily: The Flower of the Month - Page 17

"I love you too, baby." I don't need to say anything else. We have said it so many times in the last week, but each time the words leave her mouth, I want to howl at the moon and vow to be a better man.

Now, she knows her place in my life as my everything, and it has made her feel secure and safe. I can see it in the way she has opened up. Her voice can be heard, more vocal, sassier, and more addictive. When we are with others, she is her sweet, angelic self, but in the space of our own home, she is seductive, greedy, and my filthy little Angel. My flower. My heart.

I have been in my office going through my financial statements and looking up some shit for Bossman for about an hour, which is exactly how long it has been since my cock has been inside of her. Pulling up the screen, I go through the cameras in the house to see which room she is in. "Where are you my angel flower?" I grumble to myself, adjusting my cock. "Found you." She is in the bedroom changing out of her swimming gear. Yes, baby. Drop that little triangle doing nothing to cover those jiggly tits. Her nipples are my personal lollipops.

Her swimsuit hits the floor, and I am on my feet. Why the fuck am I watching from a camera when I could be inside of her, worshipping her, breeding her so our child can bare my name like she will. Oh yeah. She is going to be my wife just as soon as I get the ring back. Dario hooked me up with his guy, who is putting a chip in it for me. Speaking of. "Boss," I answer my vibrating phone. Although he is like my brother and best friend, when he calls me, I know it is business, and I address him as such.

"Any information gained from last week?" I know he is asking because I have been as distracted with my Angel upstairs as I have been doing my job.

"Actually yes. Scar heard on one of the tapes where Vito Maggiano is having a conversation with Mikolaj Zielinska. From what I gather he is a Polish mob boss in Chicago as we suspected.. Apparently, they are unhappy with the outcome of the botched kidnapping of my Angel's twin sister. Seems they still plan to use her but he is facing resistance from his son."

"Interesting. Has anyone informed DeSantis' daughter? She is searching for her sister tearing the big apple up for information according to Eco Valladares."

"Boss, I figured you would want to be the one to handle it."

"Very well. When she asks me about Lily what should I say?"

"She's mine." No hesitation. I will bring war to our doorstep to keep her. She is fucking MINE.

Conversation over, I continue walking up the stairs, and my blood begins to pump, heating up, boiling as I get closer to her. My heart is beating like it didn't until she walked into my life. When I think about how I almost walked away from her, my eyes become moist as I thank God for my current possession. Now I just need her belly to grow and prove to everyone she can never leave me. Including her fucking sister.

I used to think Dario was out of his fucking mind, wife-ing and spilling his seed inside of Jewel, but now, I get it. My chest tightens and feels like it is on fire whenever I think of not having my claim on her and in her. Off in the distance, as I continue to walk to the bedroom, I hear her phone ring, followed by a squeal. The possessive asshole in me wants to know who the fuck is making her so happy. Mine. I walk closer to the room, aware I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but I could give two fucks. For her, I am a full-fledged stalker and whoever is on the other end needs to be aware. She fucking belongs to me.



Walking past his office, I see his door is closed. Instinctually, I know I could go in there if I wanted to. Hell, he would probably welcome it, but I don't want to interrupt whatever he has going on, and I need to dry off. I have been at the pool with Jewel and baby Lorelei every morning, playing and laughing. Sometimes we get served lunch by the pool and girl talk, but in the end, it always comes back to my family and how much I miss my sisters. I really do. Giulia calls and checks on me a couple of times a week, but we are both worried about Chiara. Neither of us have heard from her, and I know Giulia is keeping something from me. I called my uncles Romeo's house the other day, and someone let it slip that they think she has been kidnapped. I was beside myself, of course, but then I realized if it were true, Giulia would have certainly told me that? Right? As different as Chiara and I are in personality, we are identical in looks and as close as twins could be. She is the other side, the more serious side of me. We both believe in love, but hers is more practical. Mine is in the clouds and with butterflies.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024