The Mafioso's Lily: The Flower of the Month - Page 31

“Same, ladies. I love my husband and my little darling right here, but it has been lonely, especially when I was going through hell, being shot, and pregnant. Trust me, I get it. Doing anything alone is hard, but now, we have each other.” The hugging continues until little missy begins to squawk and wail. “Uh oh. Someone is hungry and tired.” Her phone beeps right as she says that. “Shoot. I missed it.” She says, trying to call him back.

“Is he coming to get you?” I ask, sipping some more of my champagne even though I should probably stop because it is making me feel funny.

“No. He has a meeting. You and I are riding back together.”

“Great.” Jewel frowns at me and then looks at my glass.

“How many of those have you had, Lily?” I shrug, not really sure.

“I think this is number two or three,” I say, giggling.

“How about we not drink anymore, and we head out. Alright.” She takes my glass and puts it on the tray behind her. Chiara would be pissed by that action, but me, I respect her for looking out for me.

“Well, Cillian is expecting me in the next thirty minutes, so I am going to head out.”

“Okay, Daf. Thank you again for coming with me and making this time in my life amazing.” I pull her into another hug but can barely stand in one spot.

“Thank you for making my brother happy.” I grab my purse and realize my phone is not in it.

“Shoot. Did I drop it somewhere?” I look at the settee we have been sitting on and on the floor, but nothing.

“Did you lose something?” Jewel asks, rocking the baby back and forth.

“Yep. I can’t find my phone.” It’s then I remember I snuck a few selfies while in the changing room to send to my sisters. “I think I know where it is. Give me a minute.” Feeling a bit loopy, I stumble my way toward the private rooms. “Oomph. Ouch. I’m sorry.” Dang, that hurt. I turn and look back at the man I just bumped into, who didn’t bother to stop or apologize for scratching me. Still rubbing my arm, I look down and see a red spot, but nothing seems to be really harmed, so I keep going. Actually, where in the heck did he come from? This place was supposed to have only women in it until we left. I feel like I should be zeroing in on something, you know. Like there is something happening right in front of me, but with my head buzzing, I can’t figure it out right now. I continue trying to make it to the private room, and then I feel like I need to sit.

What the heck. Everything is spinning. I know I drank a bit, but that was two, three glasses max, over three hours. I shouldn’t be this tipsy…right? Something doesn’t feel right. A moment ago, I could at least see in front of me. Now, there is doubles of everything, and I can no longer move. Hearing shuffling behind me, I turn a bit too fast. “Hey, what are you doing….” Everything goes black.



I pull up and jump out... When I run inside, I see Jewel sitting on the chair by the door. “Where is she? Where is Lily?” I roar as I run inside.

“She is in the back looking for… oh god...she was looking for her phone.” My feet are guiding me as I run to the back. There is no one here. No one. That alerts me more than anything that something is not right. I find the private room and see her phone on the floor. There is also a curtain that has been pulled from the ceiling. Sprinting toward the back door, when I open it at first, I see nothing to my left, but cars and a back patio. When I turn right, I see what I think is someone being carried towards a vehicle parked another twenty feet from the exit.

“Put her the fuck down,” I yell, running toward the maggot meat holding my woman. The man in question turns, face ashen for a second before he replaces it with a sneer. “I said fucking put her down, you son of a bitch.” My Sauer is pointed at his head.

“Don’t move, or I will shoot her,” he yells back at me. I can’t abide by that. Not when she is in front of me; I hope to God that she is still alive. No. I keep charging him. He falters a bit, shocked. I am sure that I didn't’ stop. “Stop!” he yells, cocking his gun, which is now aimed at me. I see Scar signaling me from behind the stupid shit, letting me know he has a shot, but I shake my head, telling him no. The trigger man attempts to look behind him, but I divert his attention

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
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