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The Mafioso's Lily: The Flower of the Month

Page 32

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“Give me my wife, asshole, and I promise you won’t suffer.” That is the best I can offer him because he is going to die either way.

“How about I not shoot you or her, I get in that car right there, and you get to live to try to find her.” Cocky fuck. He doesn’t realize he is already dead. I see the glint in the corner of my eye, and I know Sniper is on the top of the building behind this fuck. I nod slightly at the signal and take off in a full run, needing to get to her before he falls from the bullet that is going to be in him in less than ten seconds. “Stop! Don’t move. STOP!” Is the last thing he shouts before I hear a shot ring out, feel fire run through my body before another shot rings out; I see him begin to collapse, and I dive, arms out, praying I am close enough to catch her.

She falls limply into my arms, and I roll, pinning her under me in case more gunshots ring out. “Click. Click, are you alright?” My eyes open, and Dario and Lola are standing over me.

“I’m fine, but she is not. I don’t… I don’t know…she’s breathing… but….” I can’t get one thought out right now. Everything is jumbled and unsure.

“Are you bleeding, or is it her?” Dario asks, trying to move her from my grip. I grunt and lunge at him, but Lola holds me back. “Calm down, brother. Calm down. I know. I know. We need to know who is hurt.” I look at him and calm myself. Looking down, I remember the pain and realize it is me.

“It’s me. We need to get her to the hospital.” It’s then I hear the ambulance. “Where is he?” I ask, wanting to make sure they don’t try to take that shark food and give him medical attention.

“Scar and Sniper took him to the warehouse.” Good. Holding my life in my hands, I walk toward the ambulance, reticent to place her on the stretcher that will take her from my arms.

“Sir, we need to check her vitals and look for any injuries. Sir.” I know they need me to put her down but feeling her heartbeat right now is the only thing keeping me sane. I am scared what will happen to me when I can’t feel it anymore. “Sir, you are bleeding. We need to get you to the hospital as well.” Shit. I keep forgetting I got shot. My adrenaline is pumping so hard I feel no pain right now.

“Go, brother. We will wait for you. Take care of your queen.” I let them know I will only release her if I ride in the same one with her, not on the stretcher.

We pull into the ambulance bay, and they pull her stretcher out. “Sir, we need you to come with us to the E.R., so we can look at your wound.” I shrug off their hands, hell-bent on following her to the room. “Sir. Sir, you are bleeding.”

“I fucking know that. Don’t you think I know that? Trust me when I tell you, this tiny fucking hole is superficial compared to the bleeding happening on the inside of me as she lies there not awake or speaking. She is my arterial vein; do you hear me?! SHE is the vital part of me. I go nowhere until I know she is alright.” Everyone from the doctors to other patients have stopped and are staring at me right now. Keep looking motherfuckers. Take a good hard look at real devotion and fear.

“Sir, do we have your permission to treat you while you are sitting here?” I grunt my permission and put my focus back on her room and what they are doing. It is fucking killing me that no one has come out to talk to me yet. In my mind, the lack of communication is not a good sign.

“Any word?” Lola asks while walking in.

“No. Nothing.”

“I am sure she is fine, Click. Do we know how they found her?”

“No. Dario and Scar are on it.”

“I spoke with Jewel, and she told me that Lily had two glasses of champagne at The View but that she cut her off because she appeared way drunker than she should have been.” Shit. Someone dosed her?

“Who the fuck was supposed to be scouting the location before the girls showed up?”

“I believe it was Mara.”

“I want her at the warehouse waiting as well. Something is not right. Someone snuck in under the radar, and either they are that fucking good, or someone on the inside is that fucking dead.”

“I agree. Consider it done.” The commotion in her room has stopped, and the idiot working on me is done. I move to enter and am stopped by a doctor.

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