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The Mafioso's Lily: The Flower of the Month

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“Are you her family?”

“I am her fiancé.”

“Ah. Alright. I presume you are the father of the fetus. Miss DeSantis is going to be fine. Seems someone roofied her champagne, and then a tiny needle prick was found in her arm. Seems the final dose is what knocked her out.” I know he is saying other words, but I swear he said the word ‘Fetus,” right?

“I’m sorry, did you say fetus? As in baby?”

“My apologies. I thought you knew. I suppose I should have figured. It is early yet. In situations like this, when drugs are involved and the patient is unconscious, we perform a pregnancy test to determine if a CT scan can be performed. In this case, blood work came back positive. It is very early into the pregnancy, so she might not have figured it out either.” Holy fuck. Holy shit. Baby. We are having a baby.

“Is it… alright?” Sounds lame to my ears but knowing she was drugged, I am worried about the baby and the side effects.

“Seeing as how she is barely four weeks gestationally, the fetus is safe. Miss DeSantis is also fine. She is merely in a deep sleep, if you will. We have started her on an I.V. drip and are monitoring her blood pressure and vitals. For right now, there is nothing else we can do.”

“How long do you think she will be out of it, Doc?”

“Another few hours at least. I would say, go home, take a shower, maybe get some rest and come back in the morning.” Yeah. Okay. There is no way in hell I am going to sleep in that bed without her. I am, however, going to go and change and head to the warehouse.

“Thanks, doc.” he shakes my hand and walks away. Lola enters the room and stands beside me.

“Go, Click. Go and take care of this. I will stay and call you if she wakes up.” Not bothering with words, I lean over and hug her, silently thanking her for being my sister, even if it not by blood, and for not making me voice the need for vengeance. Looking over my woman once more, I lean down and kiss her lips.

“I love you, angel. You rest and take care of our little seed. I promise I will be back soon.” Kissing her once more, I hand Lola my piece since I know she is not carrying. When she tucks it under her shirt, I walk out of the hospital.

Pulling up to the warehouse, I have figurative shades on. With my future sitting in the hospital keeping our little one safe, there is no light inside of me right now. The darkness that she helped to keep at bay is now in full force. There is nothing in front of me but mud, dirt, and a bottomless pit that the fuckers who tried to take her from me are going to be falling into. “Brother. How is she?” Scar pats my back as I walk into the room.

“She is going to be alright, my brother.” I am not going to tell anyone that she is pregnant before she knows it herself. My eyes track the room, and I see that all the heavies are here and some of the grunts. I also see Mara in the corner, and I will give her credit; her demeanor has not broken. She doesn’t seem to be harboring any guilt or look unsure. We will see.

“Click. I hope you don’t mind, but I took a few rounds with our friend here. Needed to let out some aggression.” Dario speaks to me, but I only have eyes for the filth tied to the chair with a gag in his mouth. I see one of his eyes is swollen and the other is completely shut. There is blood dripping from his nose and lip, and I can see his shirt has been slashed with blood staining the material. “He is all yours, my friend.”

Everyone in the room is standing along the walls, arms crossed, jaws clenched, waiting for me to get the answers we all seek. Circling the chair, I am trying to take a second to calm down, so I don’t just put a gun in his mouth and end his unremarkable life. I am hanging on by a thread, and I know Dario can sense it, but I know he trusts me and wants to give me this. “‘I am not going to bother asking you who ordered her to be taken. I already know who it is. What I want to know is what you hoped to gain from it.” My back is to him as I stare at the table holding all of the utensils we use in this room. “Scar, please remove his gag.” My eyes land on a pair of industrial scissors, and I sneer, knowing this is going to be satisfying. Turning, I put my hands behind my back and face him.

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