The Mafioso's Lily: The Flower of the Month - Page 34

“Answer me. What was the purpose of this? Surely you and your bosses know this is not my organization. I do not call the shots. I simply carry them out. So of what use was she to you?” I can see the indecision in his frantic gaze. He is weighing the options. The many ways he could save his name. Does he snitch like the sniveling rat he is and possibly get out of this? Fat chance. Or does he hold steadfast, reveal nothing, and be tortured for hours? “I should warn you, if you make me waste my time, I will not only feed you to the boars while you are alive and unable to move, but I will also wipe out your entire bloodline. So choose wisely.” His eyes grow big when he sees it is not a bluff. The puddle beneath his chair tells me he is a coward, and I know he will give me answers.

“It was a contract. My boss is not the one who ordered it. Another family came to him asking if he knew how to get to you. Seems they have been trying for some time but could not find an in. When they realized your boss had the Chief in his pocket, they offered to give him an out if he could find someone to get to you.” I try to hide the shock that this is about me and not Dario, but I can feel the confusion in the room as well as the interest. No one but Dario, Scar, and Lola know who I am and where I come from, so if this is going where I think it is, I am about to be outed.

“Go on.”

“They said they were looking for someone who has been hiding from them for years. They don't believe you have had no contact and want to get to you to get an answer. They were going to go after your sister until they saw you with the bitch….” Punch. My hand comes to his jaw and lands to the right. Teeth fall to the floor, and blood leaves his mouth as he begins choking on the teeth he swallowed.

“Watch what the fuck you say, zombie. Disrespect my woman one more time, and I make good on my promise. Do you hear me?” he nods, still sputtering blood all over the place. “Now finish!”

“T-they saw you with… her… and decided she might be a better target.”

“How the hell did you know where she was going to be today?” His eyes bug out of his head, realizing I must have heard the conversation. I see when the pieces start clicking into place for him. How the hell did I get there so fast?

“The sister of one of the soldiers recognized the name on the reservation and called it in.” Interesting.

“Who was the job for?” My gaze flicks to Dario and back to the guy.

“Coronado. Your uncle Quanico Coronado.” I hear the gasp around the room and a few curses, including one from Dario.

“The fuck? Julio is a Coronado?” The question comes from Hydro, and even though I know I owe my closest brothers an explanation, right now, I have unfinished business in my face.

“What does he want?”

“He is still looking for your father, and he doesn’t believe that he hasn’t been in contact.” So they haven’t found him yet. Good to know.

“So kidnapping my girl was supposed to give me incentive to talk. Is that it?”

“Y-yes.” I have spent years trying to avoid this very outcome, but now, they have brought war to my door. I have no choice but to respond.

“Thank you for your cooperation.” Bang. The gun goes off right in between the eyes, and his brains spray on the floor. My hand drops, and my head falls, needing a second before turning to face the room. I spot Mara on the other side of the room, and now I see the fear. I also see something I didn’t notice until this moment. “Mara,” I call her front and center. Dario is giving me the berth to control this situation right now, and I am aware of my limitations.

“Sir.” She stands in front of me, head held high and hands behind her back as a show of non-aggression.

“How long have you known?” Slight flick of panic passes her face before she recovers. I knew it.

“My whole life.”

“How old are you really?”

“Twenty-two.” Still a fucking baby. Just like she was the last time I saw her.

“What is your name?” I know the answer before she says it. If I were the one to hire her, I would have picked up on it, her eyes especially, but the hiring was done by the next person to be taken out. Larz.

“Marabella Coronado.” Yes. My cousin. She looks like my mom and grandma.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024