The Gallows at Midnight (Agents of Interpol 2) - Page 2

I end the call and dart into the closet, grabbing my duffel bag. Dresden grabs my arm, pulling me into a hug. I push back and glare into his eyes, anger boiling in my veins making me see spots.

“I swear to god, someone’s going to die today.”


This driver is too fucking slow and if he doesn’t get us to the hospital soon, I’m going to put a bullet in his head. Dresden has been tapping his thumb against the door for the last forty-five minutes, and I’ve contemplated six different ways to kill Maria Johanson once we get to the hospital.

What the fuck was that stupid bitch thinking?

Hyde sent us the security videos from the cemetery on the plane trip here. Watching Blake get shot damn near sent me into a fit of rage, unlike anything I’ve ever felt. The deal was for them to stay the hell out of the United States. The Taurus has too many eyes on U.S. soil. Dresden and I have weakened their international hold, but we haven’t made any leeway at home.

“We’re here,” the driver says, pulling up in front of the main entrance.

Dresden and I jump from the car, sliding sunglasses on. The last thing we need is anyone recognizing us. My guns tap my ribs as I run to the counter, my anger flaring up again. I thought a year away would help me reign in and control my emotions. Right now, I’m already worrying that I’ve lost more control than I’ve gained.

“Blake Mason, what room?” I snap at the receptionist.

“I’m sorry, but only family is allowed to see Mr. Mason.”

I growl, pulling my Interpol badge out and holding it up. “What fucking room is he in?”

Her eyes widen. “570. Top floor.”

“Thank you,” Dresden says gruffly as we turn and dart for the elevators.

I stab at the buttons, tapping my foot impatiently. The tension radiating off us is palpable. These bitches will be lucky if they live to see the end of today. The elevator opens and we run, turning down a corridor lined with hospital rooms. Toward the end of the hall Hyde’s pacing, his brow furrowed.

“Where the fuck is she?” I yell.

“Calm down,” he hisses as we stop in front of him.

I clench and unclench my fists as Dresden growls beside me. Hyde tries to look into my eyes, though he can’t see them through the sunglasses.

“Where the fuck is she?”

“In the room, getting her ass handed to her by Edmond Bates . . . my boss,” he says, running his hand down his face.


Turning, I throw the door to Blake’s hospital room open. I glance around the room, meeting the stunned faces of my team, Shannon, Sorina, Blake’s parents, and Teresa. Dresden stays close behind me.

I stalk forward, glancing toward the bed as I pass the privacy curtain. Blake is propped up in bed, naked from the waist up, his shoulder wrapped. My breathing escalates, passing in heaves through my lungs. Fire burns in my eyes as I turn my gaze on Agent Johanson, who stands, eyes wide, in the corner to my left with Edmond Bates off to the side, his face red but not at all surprised. He’s the one who set us up for our fake death and killing missions, so if Hyde is bringing us back, it’s at Bates’ order.

“You stupid bitch,” I say with a growl, darting toward her. In a fluid movement, I pull my hunting knife from my hip, slam her into the wall, and put the knife to her throat.

“Don’t even think about it,” Dresden hisses behind me. I turn my head, smiling as he holds Vlad in place, a gun under his chin. I turn back to this stupid bitch, my anger growing.

“You had one fucking job. One job. Keep him out of the U.S. How fucking hard is it for you to follow orders?”

“Who the hell are you?” Johanson simpers, my knife pressing into her throat almost enough to draw blood.

“I’m the woman who’s going to slit your throat.” I move the knife and slam my fist into the side of her face. She falls to the ground, moaning. “He needed to stay out of the U.S. We haven’t cleared it here. Do you not understand that? A year’s worth of work, down the fucking drain because you got stupid!” I plant my boot into her ribs.

“Calm down!” Hyde pushes past Dresden.

I grab her neck and pull her close to my face. “Everything we’ve done was to save Blake’s life, and you almost got him killed.”

“Oh, God,” Blake stutters.

Tags: Courtney Lynn Rose Agents of Interpol Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024