The Gallows at Midnight (Agents of Interpol 2) - Page 7

Her face turns red. “Sorry . . .”

I sigh. “You’re fourteen, not twenty. I understand you’ve been through a lot, but let’s keep the foul language to a minimum.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Blake?” I say, turning my eyes to him. His face is blank, and my insides tighten.

“They’re beautiful, Lily. Though, I hope you don’t intend to get anymore.”

I frown, walking to his side, sitting on the edge of the bed. He places his hand on my leg. “You don’t like them?”

“Lily, I think they’re beautiful and very meaningful to you. But I like your skin, scars and all.”

I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. “Okay. I won’t get anymore.”

He smiles slightly, reaching up to touch my face. “Good.” He pulls me down, pressing our lips together. I shift and he growls in pain.

“Shit. When was the last time you had pain medicine? How often do gunshot victims require that?” I turn to look at Dresden.

“You should probably get him something,” he says, tilting his head.

“Shouldn’t you know how this feels?” Blake says looking at me confused.

I stand and smile at him. “No, Blake. I’ve endured a lot of pain, but, surprisingly, I’ve never been shot.”

His mouth gapes and I laugh, strutting from the room. This might be the only thing Blake has experienced in the pain department I haven’t. No one lives long enough to shoot me. That’s partly because I’m a better shot than most of the people I go after.

I stroll to the nurse’s station in my sports bra, their eyes widening as they take in my tattoos. I don’t feel like putting my jacket on and this hospital is hotter than I’m used to lately. “Mr. Mason needs pain medication.”

Nurse Nora jumps from her chair and hurries down the hall. I chuckle, turning and walking back to Blake’s room. A few moments later, she comes in with a small needle and puts it through his IV. It doesn’t take long before he’s dozing off.

“Where’s everyone staying?” I whisper to Vlad.

“Interpol has a safe house not far from here until Blake can be released.”

“Why don’t you take everyone back there for a while? I’ll stay with him.”

“Someone should stay with you, just in case, Lily,” he says sternly.

“I’ll stay,” Sammi says, flashing me her shoulder holsters.

Vlad nods and ushers everyone from the room. Sorina stops next to me and smiles, tears shining in her eyes.

“What’s wrong, kiddo?”

“I’m glad you’re home, Mom. I love you.” She sniffles.

I pull her into a tight hug. “I won’t ever leave again, Sorina. I love you, so much.” I kiss her forehead and she leaves, Vlad close behind her.

Sammi sits in a chair at the end of Blake’s bed and I lay my guns and jacket in the seat next to her. I sigh and stretch before sitting down next to Blake’s good side. He needs to sleep for as long as possible. I want him better. Lord knows I might lose my mind if I can’t touch him for the next six months. A year was long enough.


I startle awake, my eyes darting around the room. Sammi is reading a book and Blake is still sound asleep. I rub my eyes and stand. Sammi’s eyes dart up and back to her book.

“How long have I been out?” I say, cracking my neck.

“Six hours or so. You and Dresden haven’t slept much in the last year, have you?” she says, closing her book and laying it on the chair next to her.

Tags: Courtney Lynn Rose Agents of Interpol Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024