The Gallows at Midnight (Agents of Interpol 2) - Page 9

The truth is— I’d like nothing more than to lie down with him. Nurse Nora will have a shitfit though.

“Please, Lily,” he begs.

Something in his voice makes my stomach hurt. I sigh and stand, pulling the covers against his waist tighter. He stares at me as I climb on the bed and lay my head on his chest. His skin is warm and inviting, causing desire to explode throughout my sex. I run my hand up the middle of his chest, across his good shoulder and back down. He shudders, pressing his lips against my hair.

“We have a lot to talk about,” he whispers, pain that has nothing to do with his gunshot wound evident in his voice.

“I know, but you need to rest and so do I. We’ll have plenty of time to talk once we get you out of the hospital.”

I tilt my head up and kiss his neck. He moans, low in his throat, as my tongue lashes out, caressing his skin.

His good hand massages my neck and I move my lips, kissing down his chest. I slip my hand under the sheet, letting my nails skim across his thigh. He sucks in a ragged breath, moving his hand to clasp my shoulder.

I grip his erection, moving my hand up and down slowly.

“Lily, please,” he whispers, husky and breathless.

I chuckle to myself. “I’m still not having sex with you, Blake.”

“Then, what—”

I move quickly, throwing the sheet back and leaning down to take him in my mouth, down to his base, slowly, swirling my tongue around as I move my mouth back to the tip.

“Jesus Christ,” he hisses, his body shuddering.

I repeat the movement, pausing to suck hard on his tip. His hips rise, the need and desire radiating off him. It’s empowering to know after a year apart I still have this effect on him. He tastes like heaven, and passion explodes in my veins, forcing me to move faster. Blake lifts his hips again, driving his erection deeper into my mouth, and I moan.

His body shakes with relief and I push down on his hips as he comes, salty and wet, in my mouth.

“Fuck, Lily,” he says, taking deep breaths.

I stand up, licking my lips as I smooth my hair back. A wicked smile spreads across his face, his hand darting out to grab one of my belt loops and jerking me to him. I bring my lips down to his, and as our tongues caress each other, he slips his hand down the front of my pants.

My body bows and ignites at his touch. I break the kiss, gasping as he slides two fingers inside me, instantly pushing me to the edge of a chasm I haven’t been close to in a year. I hang my head, gripping the sheet, barely able to stay standing as he swirls his fingers inside me, palm pushing against my clit.

“Come on, Lily,” he growls, and I fall, coming hard.

He slips his hand from my pants and grabs my hips pulling me onto the bed just as my knees buckle.

Fuck, I needed that.

“I love you,” he whispers against my hair.

“I love you, too,” I mumble, exhaustion encompassing me like a veil.

As I drift, he chuckles, squeezing me tighter to his side. All the pain of the last year disappears in his arms. My humanity floods back into my sleep-deprived mind, and a grin spreads across my face as I plunge into the darkness.



Sammi stands next to Vlad at the end of my hospital bed. Both have their arms crossed over their chests, their faces red after the thirty-minute argument it took to get Lily to go eat. Maria sits in a chair in the corner of the room, her face scrunched together as if she smells something sour, and Jameson and Rhett are posted near the door just in case Lily comes back too quickly.

“You two better figure this shit out,” Sammi snaps.

“Fuck her,” Maria says, moving to the side of my bed.

She runs her fingers through my hair, and I jerk away from her. The hurt on her face should make me feel bad, but it doesn’t. She’s nothing but a walking, talking regret.

Tags: Courtney Lynn Rose Agents of Interpol Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024