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The Gallows at Midnight (Agents of Interpol 2)

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“Do you know who killed my son?”

“I think so, ma’am.”

“What will you do now?”

My insides harden— hate replacing everything else. Cassie takes off down the hallway, singing as she skips out of earshot.

“What I do best, ma’am. I’ll find them and I’ll kill every last one of them.”

She grins. “Good.”

Standing, I pull a check from my back pocket. We each keep emergency bank accounts with Interpol. Sammi cleared Jameson’s and had the check made out to his parents. Each of us transferred funds to it as well, and we’ll be sending Samuel’s family one later. Knowing Jameson for as long as I have, this was something I wanted to give them in person.

“We each have bank accounts with Interpol. This is the balance of Jameson’s, made out to you.”

His mother slips the check from my hand, reads it, and gasps. Her eyes dart to mine as she hands the check to Jessica.

“Oh, god,” she says, sinking back o

nto the bench.

“Lily, we can’t— “

“Yes, you can. Jameson was one of the bravest and kindest men I’ve ever known. Take care of that little girl, and please tell her every day what an amazing man he was. Let her know he gave his life to save ours.”

They nod, tears forming in their eyes again. Sammi must’ve known he had a daughter. It struck me the night we did the transfer that fifteen million dollars was a lot to give a grieving family. Now, it seems like too little.

“Thank you, Lily.”

“No, thank you.”

Turning on my heel, I glide down the hallway and out the doors, the tears spilling over as I shut the door of the SUV. Screaming, my fist connects several times with the steering wheel, a loud pop echoing on the last hit as pain radiates up my arm.


Starting the engine, my hand protests as I floor it out of the parking lot, heading toward the airport. Elaine can check out my damn hand when I get home. Blake isn’t going to be happy when I get there. Our wedding will have to wait. Right now, the only thing that matters is finding these fuckers and making sure they pay for Samuel and Jameson.

If it turns out Jax is involved, well, he’ll have to pay too.



By the time I get back to the safe house, it’s four in the morning. No lights shimmer from the windows and no one is on patrol. They’re safer inside anyway. It’s been a week since the attack, and five days since I’ve seen Blake.

My eyes scan the tree line as I move to the house, double-checking to lock the door once inside. Music filters lightly through Sorina’s door. I doubt she’s sleeping, but she and I can talk tomorrow.

Inside my bedroom, I pull my boots off and yank my shirt over my head, tossing it to the floor. I take a moment to wrap my wrist in an ace bandage. It feels a little better, but I’m sure it’s at least sprained. Blake lies on his back, hands behind his head, sound asleep. He stretches as I climb up the bed and straddle him.

His eyes flutter open, a smile spreading across his face. “Welcome back, baby. How’d everything go?”

I lean down, kissing him, pouring all the emotion weighing me down into it. He stills for a second, but when I don’t move, he tilts his head to deepen the embrace— sliding his hands up my thighs, and around to grip my ass.

Devouring his mouth with mine, I dig my nails into his skin, running them down his chest. He gasps and arches his back, his erection pressing through his sweats into the crotch of my jeans. Rocking my hips to grind against him, the pleasure from the friction laces through my sex, pushing my desire higher.

We’re all hands and tongues, and Blake’s skin is silk under my touch. He sits up, wrapping his arms around me, tugging my head back by my hair. His lips leave a heated trail down my neck.

“Lily,” he breathes against my skin.

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