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The Gallows at Midnight (Agents of Interpol 2)

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And that’s it. I come, shaking with the intensity, squeezing my eyes shut as my body and nerves soar— arching my back, grinding down on him, and prolonging the wave. He finds his release while nipping my neck.

“The answer is still no, Blake,” I say, resting my head against his shoulder, trying to bring my breathing under control.

He chuckles, tightening his grip around me. “You’re the most beautiful and stubborn woman on the planet.”

He kisses my neck, sweet and soft, as he turns and lays me on the bed. I wince as he pulls out and chuckles. He’s always found his ability to make me sore amusing, the asshat. Blake can make me crazy at times, but he definitely knows how to distract me, and after all the shit we’ve been through lately, it’s welcome.

Stretching out beside me, he finally kicks his pants off. My eyes drift down his naked body, my stomach tightening again. The idea of having him all to myself, forever, makes my head swim. His fingers move under my shirt, stroking my stomach.

“I love you,” he whispers. His voice is so full of passion and sincerity . . . it's breathtaking.

Rolling onto my side, I snuggle against him, resting my hands on his chest. “I love you, too. No matter what happens, I have and always will love you, Blake.”

He’s going to be pissed when I take Bates’ mission alone. But, it’s the right thing to do. Even if something happens to me, whether it’s now or five years from now, Blake has possessed the very best parts of me. He has my heart to hold even long after my body is gone. He’d bounce back— move on. Not that I intend on dying any time soon, and certainly not on this mission, but . . . my luck hasn’t been the best lately.

His deep and steady breaths, the musical beat of his heart, lull me to sleep. Our bodies twisted together like vines, perfectly fitting, at ease. His scent, a mix of coconut shampoo and sunlight, swims around me, intensified by the heat from his skin. It’s like sleeping on a beach.

God, I love this man.



27 days left.

I swear on my life, if Blake, Vlad, or Hastin ask me about my biological family one more time, I’m going to lose my temper something fierce. What part of, ‘I don’t want to find them’, is too hard for these bitches to understand? I’ve got enough on my mind without this to add to it.

The porch is quiet at least. Nothing but the clink of ice as I swirl the Tequila in my glass. Sorina wanted fresh air this afternoon, so I’m hanging out while she and Caleb’s brother, Carson, sit on the benches in the front yard. She’s handling Samuel’s death better than I thought she would, though I know she’s hurting. His necklace still hangs around her neck, her fingers fidgeting with it every few minutes.

She stares at the ground as she talks, and Carson just listens. His hand rests against her back, keeping distance between them, as his eyes never leave her face. He seems like a good kid and it’s obvious Caleb at least taught the boy manners.

“He’s rather taken with her lately, isn’t he?” Caleb sinks down onto the step next to me, his guns hanging in holsters at his sides.

“Yeah. She’s got some healing to do though.” I take a long draw from my glass, the burn in my throat soothing rather than annoying as the fiery liquor warms my stomach.

“He knows. Carson handles death well. He had to when our parents were killed.”

“Maybe he’ll help her. Lord knows I’m not in any state to do a thing lately.” The last few days have agitated me beyond belief. Every thought consumed with what I’m going to do in a few weeks and the possibility of coming face to face with the man that raised me . . . and possibly betrayed me.

“You’ll get through this. We all will.” He places his hand on my back, mimicking his younger brother.

“I know. Just sucks ass in the meantime.”

The wood steps creak as my weight shifts off them, my body aching in protest as I stand. When this is all over, spending a week at a massage therapist might not be a bad idea. My boots thump across the patio, lessening as I move through the entrance door and into the kitchen.

Blake, Vlad, Rhett, and Sammi sit around the island, whispering like teenagers. My eyes narrow, as I slam the door forcefully, making them all jump. Their heads whip around in my direction, Sammi’s cheeks flushing a bright red.

Hmm . . .

“Hey, baby,” Blake says with a little hitch in his deep voice.

“What the fuck are you four up to? Sammi’s blushing like she got caught giving head behind the bleachers during the homecoming game.”

Rhett coughs, covering his mouth while Blake and Vlad snicker.

“How do you know what goes on at high school football games?” Vlad spins in his chair, an amused grin on his face.

“Jameson told me all about his years in high school and the things his friends did. Very interesting stuff American teenagers seem to get into.”

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