The Gallows at Midnight (Agents of Interpol 2) - Page 84


Blake freezes and his mouth hovering just above my rock-hard nipple. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Lily,” Sammi says through the door. “I’m sorry, but a package was delivered for you. It’s marked urgent and confidential.”

“Fuck,” I say in a hiss under my breath. “Of all the goddamn moments to ruin.”

Blake pushes back and sits on his knees, staring at me in disbelief. “You aren’t serious about getting out of bed right now.”

My heart drops. “Blake, I’m sorry.”

“You realize we’re supposed to be married in a month and I’ve barely had a moment alone with you in weeks. Weeks, Lily.”

I scoot back and swivel my legs so that I’m kneeling as well. His arms go around me without hesitation, and he pulls my body tightly against his. “I know. But the sooner we can get the Taurus and bring them to heel, the sooner you and I can have a normal life.”

The moment his lips touch mine, I’m reminded of every reason why I have to complete this mission. This is for him, for us, and the opportunity at a life we never knew we wanted until we met each other.

Our tongues dance together for a moment, but I know Sammi is still standing outside our bedroom door.

Slowly, I pull away from him and he sighs loudly. “I’ll try not to be too long. Please don’t be angry.”

“Lily, I’m not angry. Well, not at the moment. But I’m not used to missing you when we’re still sleeping next to each other. Just hurry up.” He slides back off the bed and holds his hand out to help me up, too.

My eyes linger on his bare chest a moment longer than needed as I go past him toward the door. He really is the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on and he’s all mine. Still, even after almost two years, I’ll never, in my wildest dreams, understand how someone, as fucked up as me, got this lucky. He’s literally the blood in my veins and the air in my lungs.

Without him, I cease to exist.

“Blake,” I say as I place my hand on the door handle. “I love you.”

His footsteps vibrate as he walks up behind me and gently kisses my neck, resting his hands on my hips. “I love you too, baby.”

I open the door to Sammi leaning against the opposite wall, an innocent expression on her face.

“Thanks, Sammi. I wasn’t trying to get laid or anything,” Blake says in a teasing tone, placing his hand against the side of the door.

I laugh at the look of shame that crosses over her face.

“He’s kidding, Boa. Well, not about the getting laid part, but he’s not mad.” I clasp my hand on her shoulder and guide her toward the stairs.

“Sorry, Blake,” she says loudly over her shoulder as we descend.

His chuckle echoes through the hall for a moment before the door clicks shut again behind us.

The living room is still dark as we walk together toward Sammi’s of

fice. “I really am sorry, Viper. But I think you’ll want to see this.”

I glance to my right and stop at the sight of Sorina and Carson snuggled together, asleep, on the sofa, the TV still playing but the sound turned down.

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ve been out here every 15 minutes. They’re good and have been asleep for almost two hours.”

I shake my head and start walking again. “What the hell time is it anyway?”

Sammi glances at her wristwatch. “5:45 a.m. I’m surprised you were awake, let alone trying to get some ass.”

“Sex helps me sleep. We’ve haven’t gotten much alone time lately.”

She nods her head as she opens the door to her office. “That’s probably why you haven’t slept well lately. Not enough dick.”

Tags: Courtney Lynn Rose Agents of Interpol Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024