The Gallows at Midnight (Agents of Interpol 2) - Page 91

Mission Day.

“Baby, wake up,” Blake says as he trails kisses down the side of my neck. He knows I’m not really sleeping, but if this is how he’s going to try and wake me up, then I’m going to pretend just a little bit longer.

Blake trails soft kisses up the side of my neck and gently nibbles on my ear, and as kinky as it is, it tickles, and I can’t help but laugh. “I knew you weren’t sleeping.”

“I’ve been up for a while,” I say as I pull my hands from under the covers and wrap them around his neck.

He kisses my lips several times and then rests his forehead against mine. It’s nice, the last few days, not fighting or having much tension between us. Lord knows I can’t say the same after mine and Dresden’s conversation the other night. I still feel bad, and he knows I’d never really kick him off the team or have him reassigned. At least I hope he knows that.

“What time is it?” I twist my head away from Blake to look at the clock and he starts kissing my neck again.

“Not time for you to get out of bed yet,” he says against my skin as he pulls the covers over himself and lies between my legs. “You can afford to stay here a few more minutes. It’s only noon and you didn’t come to bed until after six.”

I lock eyes with him and raise my eyebrows. “You were asleep. How do you know what time I came to bed?”

A smirk pulls at the corner of his lips. “I pretend to be asleep well too.”

“Oh, okay.” I roll my eyes as he grabs my hips and without warning buries his erection inside me.

My body arches and I moan, digging my nails into his shoulder. These are the moments that are too few and far between nowadays. Blake tightens his grip on my hip and moves faster, pushing both of us to climax quicker than ever.

Every muscle in my body tenses up just before I spiral and hold on to him as he joins me. One of the many things I love about Blake is the way he doesn’t move after sex. It’s like he’s content to just stay right in this moment with me. After we calm our breathing, he pushes back onto his forearms and kisses me again, his tongue dancing with mine in perfect rhythm.

“I love you,” he says in a whisper against my lips.

I can’t help but smile. “Mmmm, I love you, too. Now can we go have lunch? I’m starving.”

He lets out a bellowing laugh as he pulls out of me and sits back on his knees. “Yes. Now we can go eat.”

After we’re showered and dressed, we head to the kitchen to find the rest of the team hovering around the island while Teresa is busy at the stove. I laugh to myself. I don’t know what they’re all going to do when life moves on and they don’t have this woman here to cook for them every minute of the day anymore.

“Give her some space, vultures. Sheesh,” I say as I slide past her and grab water out of the fridge.

“Hell no,” Dresden says leaning further onto the kitchen island. “She’s been making Paella all morning. I’m not moving until I get food. I need sustenance.”

“Oh my god, Dres. You’re not going to starve.” I shove his shoulder and for the first time in months, he playfully bumps me back.

Maybe he isn’t still pissed at me. I’d hoped my words the other night convinced him everything is good and there wasn’t anything to be suspicious of. I sit down on the stool next to him and open my water. Everyone is literally staring at Teresa, except for Blake. He’s on the other side of the counter staring at me with a stupid grin on his sexy face.

I roll my eyes at him and take a sip of my water. While everyone chats, I lean over and press my shoulder against Dresden’s. He looks down at me, his features calm.

“We good?” I say quietly so only he can hear me.

He nods his heads and smiles. “Yeah, Viper. We’re good. No worries.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. He seems genuine, so I’ll take it.

“Okay, my starving little beauties,” Teresa says as she turns with a huge pot held between her hands. “Lunch is ready.”

A ring of cheers echoes around the room as she sets the pot in the middle of the island before grabbing a stack of plates and utensils. Everyone digs in, myself included. Ah. I’m very glad that even when Blake and I get to have a normal life, I don’t have to give up Teresa’s cooking. She’ll always work for Blake, so I’ll always get to eat amazing food. Which is good because I’d die without her cooking.

An hour later, we’re finished and everyone is hanging out in the living room watching TV and otherwise occupying themselves. It’s good everyone is happy for once, because tonight is the night, and come tomorrow, they’re all going to be pissed. I’m praying that when I come back from this mission, they understand why I’ve done what I’m doing. It’s not personal, just the right thing to do.

I’m startled as Teresa clears her throat directly next to me. Her face is stoic as I glance down at her.

“Everything is ready for tonight, Lily. But I have one favor to ask,” she says so low I can barely hear her.

“Anything, Teresa.”

Tags: Courtney Lynn Rose Agents of Interpol Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024