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The Gallows at Midnight (Agents of Interpol 2)

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“Make this the last time. I don’t like lying to Mr. Mason . . . or the others for that matter.”

Before I can respond, she straightens and walks around the island to do dishes. I take a deep breath and rub my eyes. She’s right though. I’ve put Teresa in too many compromising positions over the last two years and while it’s been necessary, it still isn’t fair to her. She’s a good woman— honest and loving.

If everything goes according to plan, this will be the last time I have to do anything like this.



The rest of the day passed uneventfully, and Teresa made an all-out amazing dinner. While it’s been filling, she’s kept everything light, which is smart given the fact we’re about to dose everyone with a highly potent sleeping medication.

It’s 9:15 p.m., and according to Sammi’s research the medication, if ingested, takes about thirty minutes to work. It’s tasteless, so no one will suspect anything until they start dozing off.

Before anyone can get up from the table, Teresa comes in with a tray filled with champagne flutes. Each one is only filled about halfway, and I know the men will down those in one sip. Without saying anything, Teresa hands a glass to each person, and as she hands me mine, I stand.

Thankfully, everyone has enough manners not to drink, but it takes a lot of energy to hide my nerves. I’ve never been nervous doing my job, but lines get blurred often when Blake is involved. I can’t stop staring at him as he glances back and forth between his glass and my face, his eyebrows raised in question.

“It’s been a rough two years,” I say, my voice steadier than I thought it would be. “We’ve been through a lot in that time.”

Most of my team nods in agreement, and I scan all their faces, choosing my words carefully. “Tonight isn’t anything special, but I wanted to toast us tonight. The closer I get to marrying a man I never thought would be in my life, the more thankful I am for the path my life has taken.”

Blake stands and leans over to kiss my temple, wrapping his free arm around my waist.

I smile and raise my glass in the air. “To us, to the future, and to the memory of the amazing agents and family members we’ve lost along the way.”

“For Jameson,” Dresden says raising his glass toward mine.

“And Samuel,” Sorina adds, tears filling her eyes but not spilling over the edge.

To my surprise and luck, everyone drains their glass in one gulp before setting them back down on the table. Blake leans over and kisses my temple and my heart breaks. I force the air into my lungs, and for the first time have to stop from tattling on myself.

As everyone sits back down and resumes their conversations, Teresa collects the glasses. As she takes mine, she leans close to my ear. “You’ve got thirty minutes.”

“Thank you,” I say in a whisper as she stands back up and heads for the kitchen.

I sit in silence, as everyone continu

es to talk, constantly glancing at the clock. Before I know it, Dresden and Vlad are rubbing their eyes, and Blake is swaying in his chair.

Any moment now, and the medication will take full effect.

A glass breaks at the end of the table and Sammi and I both jump up. Rhett is on one knee, trying to hold on to the table for balance.

“What did you do, Lily?” he says going down on all fours before sliding to lie on the floor.

I put my hands under his head and lower him to the floor fully. “Just lay down, Rhett. You’re fine.”

Sammi kneels next to me and sighs.

“Dres! Dresden!” Shannon is in full panic mode.

I stand and quickly move to where Dresden is sliding out of his seat. Grabbing him under his arms, I lower him to the floor, and when I look around almost everyone else has lowered themselves to the floor. As I let go of Dresden, he grabs my wrist in an iron grip.

“I knew you were fucking planning some-something,” he says, his words slurring together.

“I’m sorry, Python. It’s for your own good though.”

“What do you mean it’s for his own good? Lily, what did you do?” Shannon is leaning in toward me, her face red with anger.

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