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Lover Reborn (Black Dagger Brotherhood 10)

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John read it and shrugged. Not a clue. But I've already worked out. You?

"Yeah. " He walked around the room. "Man, is it me or is time dragging. "

The whistle he got in reply was a big fat yup.

"You want to go out?" he asked with all the enthusiasm of someone suggesting a trip to a nail parlor.

Movement on the bed drew his eyes around: John was up on his feet and heading for his closet.

Across his back, deep in his skin, the name of his shellan was carved in the Old Language:


Poor bastard. . .

As the male pulled on a black button-down and covered his bare ass in leather, Qhuinn shrugged. Guess they were going for a beer.

"I'll go get clothes and be right back. "

Stepping out into the hall, he frowned. . . and followed a compelling instinct down to the open landing that overlooked the foyer.

Leaning over the gold-leafed railing, he called out, "Layla?"

As the name echoed, the female emerged from the dining room. "Oh, hello. " Her smile was automatic and meaningless, the expressional equivalent of a blank wall. "How fare thee?"

He had to laugh. "You're blowin' me away with all that happy joy-joy. "

"I'm sorry. " She seemed to snap out of her distraction. "I don't mean to be rude. "

"Don't worry about it. What are you doing here?" He shook his head. "What I mean is, were you summoned?"

Had someone come home injured? Blay, for example. . .

"No, I have naught to do. I'm just waffling about as you would say. "

Come to think of it, ever since the fall, she had been doing that a lot, just hanging around in the periphery, loitering as if she were waiting for something.

She was different, he thought abruptly. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but lately she had changed: Grave. Less quick to smile. Serious.

To put it in human terms, he supposed she'd been a girl for as long as he'd known her. Now she was starting to look like a woman. No more wide-eyed wonder about everything this side of the divide had to offer. No more glowing enthusiasm. No more. . .

Shit, she looked a lot like he and John did. Worn out by the world.

"Hey, you want to come out with us?" he asked.

"Out? As in. . . "

"John and I are going to go have a drink. Maybe two. Maybe more. I think you should come with us. After all, misery loves company. "

She linked her arms over her chest. "Is it so obvious?"

"You're still beautiful. "

Layla laughed. "You're being charming. "

"Lady in distress, you know the drill. Come out with us - let's just kill some time. "

She looked around. Then she picked up her skirting and ascended the stairs. When she got to the top, she stared at him. "Qhuinn. . . may I please ask you something?"

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