Lover Reborn (Black Dagger Brotherhood 10) - Page 265

Dearest Virgin Scribe, he was so still. Barely even breathing.

"I've heard that you're disposing of the home you had with her," she said. "And have done likewise with her things. I am guessing it is because you are trying a new route to release her unto the Fade, and I hope it works. For the both of you, I hope it works. "

"I came here to talk about you, not her," he said softly.

"That's kind of you, and know that I am turning the conversation onto you not because I feel like a victim of some unrequited romance that has ended badly, but because our relationship in this era has always been based upon you. Which is my fault, but also the nature of the cycle we have completed. "


She rose up, wanting to put them on equal footing. "Just as the seasons come full circle, so have we. When we first crossed paths, it was all about me, my selfishness, my focus on a tragedy I had lived through. This time it was all about you, your selfishness, your tragedy that you had lived through. "

"Oh, Jesus, Autumn. . . "

"As you yourself pointed out to me, we can't deny the truth, and shouldn't attempt to. Therefore, I suggest that neither of us tries to fight it any longer. We are of an accord as of now, our transgressions one against the other wiped clean by deeds and words that neither of us can take back. I will always regret the position I put you in with your dagger so many years ago, and you don't have to tell me that you feel deep sorrow as you stand before me now - I can see it written in your face. You and I. . . it's a full circle, and it is completed. "

He blinked, his stare holding hers. Then he brought his thumb over his eyebrow and rubbed at his forehead like it hurt. "You're wrong about that last part. "

"I fail to see how you can argue with the logic. "

"I've been doing a lot of thinking, too. I'm not going to fight with you about it, but I want you to know I was with you for more than just Wellsie. I didn't realize it at the time - or I couldn't let myself. . . I don't fucking know. But I am rock solid that it was also very much about you, and after you left, that became clear - "

"You don't have to apologize - "

"This isn't an apology. This is about waking up and reaching for you and wishing you were next to me. It's about ordering extra food for you, and then remembering that you're not around to feed it to. It's about the fact that even as I was packing up my dead mate's clothes, I had you in my mind, too. It wasn't just Wellsie, Autumn, and I think I knew that after your needing and that's why I snapped. I spent a day and a half sitting on my ass, staring into the dark, trying to figure this all out - and I don't know. . . I guess I finally found the courage to be really fucking honest with myself. Because it's hard when you've loved one person with everything you've got, and she's gone, and someone else comes and treads all ove

r her territory in your heart. " He put his hand up to his chest and struck at his sternum. "This was hers and hers alone. Forevermore. Or at least so I thought. . . but shit didn't work out that way, and then you came along. . . and circle be damned, I don't want to be finished with you. "

Now it was her turn to feel poleaxed, her body going numb as she struggled to comprehend what he was saying.

"Autumn, I'm in love with you - that's why I came here tonight. And we don't have to be together, and you don't have to get over what I said, but I wanted you to hear that from me. And I also want to tell you that I'm at peace with it, because. . . " He took a deep breath. "You want to know why Wellsie got pregnant? It wasn't because I wanted a young. It's because she knew that every night when I left the house I could get killed in the field, and as she said, she wanted something to keep on living for. If I had been the one to go? She would have carved out a life for herself, and. . . the strange thing is, I would have wanted her to do that. Even if it included someone else. I guess I've realized that. . . she wouldn't have wanted me to mourn her forever. She'd have wanted me to move on. . . and I have. "

Autumn opened her mouth to speak. Nothing came out.

Had she really heard him say all that -


As she let out a cry of alarm and Tohr unsheathed a black dagger, Lassiter stepped out into the middle of the room.

The angel clapped a couple of times, and then held his palms up to the heavens like an evangelist. "Finally!"

"Jesus," Tohr hissed as he put his weapon away. "I thought you'd quit!"

"Okay, still not that guy who was born in a manger. And believe me, I tried to file my resignation, but the Maker wasn't interested in what I had to say. As usual. "

"I called for you a couple of times and you didn't come. "

"Well, first I was flat-out pissed off at you. And then I just didn't want to get in your way. I knew you were up to something big. " The angel came over and put his hand on Autumn's shoulder. "You okay?"

She nodded and managed something close to an uh-huh.

"So this is good, yeah?" Lassiter said.

Tohr shook his head. "Don't force her into anything. She is free to choose her path, as she always has been. "

At that, he turned and went to the door. Just before he opened the way out, he glanced over his shoulder, his blue eyes locking on hers. "Wellsie's Fade ceremony is tomorrow night. I would love you to be there, and will understand completely if you don't want to come. And, Lassiter, if you're going to stay with her, and I hope you do, make yourself useful and get her a cup of tea and some toast? She likes the sourdough bread done on both sides, with sweet butter, preferably the whipped kind, and a little strawberry jam. And she's Earl Grey with a teaspoon of sugar. "

"What - do I look like a butler?"

Tags: J.R. Ward Black Dagger Brotherhood Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024