Liars (The Triad 2) - Page 23

“You know what? It is.” He moved closer to me, getting in my face and training his into a calm anger. I had seen him use that exact face so many times on Seb and the other guys, but he’d never had to use it on me. “Do not give her any more trauma than she already has. Have your conversation with her. Get your answers you seem to need, and then leave her alone.”

I scoffed and moved to leave his room, but he called my name before I could escape.

“I’m serious, mate. I know I’ve known you longer—you’re like a damn brother to me—but I’m not fucking around when I tell you not to become your father. You need to learn to trust your instincts. I know deep down, you trust her and you want to be a part of this, but your dad has wormed his way in so deeply, you can’t let go. Seb and I need you to let it go. Scarlet needs you to let it go.”

I grabbed hold of the door and slammed it shut, not caring if it woke their precious princess. Fuck, I needed to get my shit under control. He was right—my dad had royally fucked me up when it came to trusting people. The shit he put me through as a kid and into adulthood to train me had made me hard, physically and mentally. He was a master at beating the trust out of me on a weekly basis. I was always confused as to how it hadn’t affected Tristan in the same way.

As I passed Scarlet’s room, I could hear her snoring coming through the door, and it scraped over my skin like nails on a chalkboard. I was torn between wanting to shove a sock in her mouth to shut her up…or my dick. She had a very unique talent of being able to piss me off at the same time that she turned me on. Opting for the safest option, I punched the door as I walked past, but it did nothing to settle my blood.

Maybe Seb’s idea of taking a walk in the bitter cold wasn’t such a bad one after all.

Tags: Dana Isaly The Triad Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025