Omens (The Triad 3) - Page 25


I hated everything about today.

I hated that I was stuck at home, still in pain from my fucking surgery. I hated that we weren’t with Scarlet, making sure she was safe from whatever Motshan had up his fucking sleeve. And I really, really fucking hated that we were all sitting here, trying to decide what exactly we were going to do for Mel’s memorial.

“I don’t think we should pick a day until Scarlet gets back,” Tristan said from across the table, jotting down notes from our conversation on what all we needed for it.

“I agree,” I told them both. “I don’t even feel like we should be having this conversation without her. She’s part of this family now, and she should have a say in what we’re doing and when.”

“We’re doing this,” Elliot chimed in, “to make sure our minds are properly occupied so we don’t storm out those doors and ruin Scarlet’s trust in us. We told her we would stay here, and no matter how we feel about it, we have to let her do this.”

“Boys,” Tristan warned, still writing in his little notebook. “Stop talking about her, or we’ll either get in a fight or end up going out to find her.”

“It’s been hours,” I whined, pushing back my chair and standing to pace around the kitchen. So much of the loft had been changed since the massacre that happened in here. All of the warm touches that Mel had put in over the years had been stripped bare, leaving the entire place white and empty.

“She’ll be back soon,” Tristan sighed, leaning back in his chair and running his fingers through his white hair nervously and groaning.

That groan of his reminded me about the sex I had been forced to listen to the night before. I was sure they had thought they were being quiet, but between Tristan’s groans and Scarlet crying out his name, there was no hiding what they had been doing.

I was incredibly jealous and frustrated. I had lain there, too tired from my meds to move and join them but still so incredibly hard that I couldn’t fall asleep. I had palmed my aching cock, stroking it slowly as I listened to the bed move above me, knocking softly into the wall as he thrust himself into her again and again.

My mind had wandered back to that time we all shared her, Tristan and me on the bed, and then Elliot and me on the floor. But Tristan, the way he had grabbed my ass and pushed me further inside of her so that he could feel me as well, and I could feel him.

I shivered at the thought. I had never looked at him in that way. In all the times we had shared women before, I had never wanted to be that way with him. But there was something about Scarlet that brought it out of us. And, fuck, if his dick rubbing against my own through her tight fucking walls hadn’t done something for me.

I looked over at him, and our eyes locked, like he could tell what I was thinking about. It pulled me back into the room, and I realized I was standing there in low-slung sweatpants, and my dick had become half-hard as I sifted through my memories. His eyes glanced down and then back up to my face.

“Like what you see?” I asked him, grabbing my cock and making a face as he rolled his eyes.

“Honey, I’m home!” Scarlet sang as the elevator doors dinged open.

“Good to see you didn’t kill yourself on the Harley,” Elliot said as she made her way into the kitchen and over to my open arms.

She flipped him off and curled herself around my body. Her hair was a mess from the ride home, and she smelled like her coconut shampoo and a little bit of outside as I breathed her in. My cock was still throbbing, and as she pushed herself against me, it fought harder to come to life.

“Someone is happy to see me,” she whispered, looking up at me and asking for a kiss. I happily gave it to her, letting our lips linger just a little too long than was comfortable for Elliot and his raging jealousy.

“I’m going to shower,” he grumbled, pushing his chair away from the table and standing to walk away.

“Not so fast,” Scarlet said, turning around in my arms and leaning her back against my front. “You need to be here for the debriefing. I’m not going to repeat myself, and you’re going to want to hear this straight from the source.”

I squeezed her a bit tighter, hearing the stress in her voice from whatever Motshan had said to her over the past couple hours. I wish I had been there for her, holding her hand and letting her borrow some of my strength while she went through it. But I knew Tristan was right. She had to be allowed to do this kind of shit on her own.

We had given her a cell phone, full access to any of the vehicles, and all the alone time she could possibly want. We wanted her to feel like she was an equal, trusted part in everything.

“Let’s sit down, yeah?” she said, motioning for all of us to head to the living room to get comfortable. I’m sure it was for my benefit that she was moving us to the couches instead of the hard wooden chairs at the dining table.

We all made our way into the living room, taking our seats on the huge new sectional. She sat down next to me, leaning into my chest as gently as she could. It hurt like a bitch to have any sort of pressure on the wounds, but I wasn’t going to ever complain that she wanted to be with me in those moments instead of the other two.

Tristan paused in front of us and bent down to give her a kiss.

“I’m glad you made it home safely,” he told her, his hands on either side of her face. He smiled down at her, gave her another peck on the mouth, and then took his own seat. Elliot mussed her hair as he passed by us.

“Same,” he grunted as he fell into the couch as well.

“Well, it was interesting,” she started, her body slightly shaking against my own as she let out a laugh. “And I hope you don’t mind, but I may have promised us and whatever army we have left at our disposal for next Sunday.”

We all kept our faces neutral as we waited for her to continue. I didn’t know what she had gotten us into, but I wasn’t going to make a judgment on it until I had heard the entire story.

“And before I tell you what the plan is, I want you to know the reward is worth it.”

“Stop dick teasing, and spit it out already,” Elliot said with a surprising amount of anger in his voice. I hadn’t heard him speak to her or about her with that tone in a while. Ever since he got his dick wet, to be honest.

“Motshan knows who my father hired to kill me.” I felt my entire body go cold.

“You mean Motshan knows who tried to rape you?” I asked her, my arms instinctively wrapping more tightly around her. I couldn’t even imagine how she felt when Motshan told her the news. My body was tense, my wounds screaming at the sudden tension that was rolling through my muscles.

“Yes,” she said, rubbing my rough hands with her soft fingers. She laid her head back on my shoulder and met my eyes. “I’m okay,” she told me, giving me a weak excuse for a smile. “And I can barely breathe when you hold me this tightly,” she said with a laugh. I immediately loosened my grip on her, and she kissed my throat before turning her attention back to the room.

“He knows who it was, and he’s promised to not only tell us who it was but have him delivered to our fucking doorstep if we help him.”

“So we help him, then,” Tristan said, speaking my thoughts exactly.

“That’s what I was hoping you would say,” Scarlet admitted. “Because once you hear the plan, you may regret saying that.”

Tags: Dana Isaly The Triad Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024