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Omens (The Triad 3)

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“Is anyone going to ask the question?”

“Looks like you are,” Niamh said to Tristan.

Tristan raised his eyebrow at him before speaking.

“If there was a leak here, there was definitely a leak at our next location.”

“Can we not just enjoy our food?” Scarlet asked, giving him her sad little puppy dog eyes as she took another bite of roasted potatoes.

“To be fair,” I said between bites, “she has a point. This food is pretty damn good. Got your money’s worth, Niamh.”

I winked at him, and he just rolled his eyes and wiped his mouth before leaning forward to hold the attention of the rest of the table.

“The leak was here,” he said. “One of the guys thought he could trust someone in the family that he couldn’t. He tried to give them a heads up, and chaos broke out.”

“Avea inten?ii bune,” Motshan said, his voice low and sad.

“Translation?” I asked, turning to Scarlet.

“He had good intentions,” she said, smiling at me from across the table. God, she never looked more beautiful than when she was covered in blood.

Motshan had asked her if she wanted to clean off before eating, and she’d declined. She knew how much we all liked her like this, with that wild look in her eyes and red streaks coating her skin and clothes.

When I had run inside without the guys, I found her in the kitchen with Motshan, annihilating anyone that dared to come near her. She was a warrior, the strongest and sexiest fucking woman I had ever seen.

And when she had caught sight of me, the way her face lit up…

Fucking stunning.

I would set the world on fire for that woman.

When I looked at her now, she took another bite, and her eyebrows scrunched together, asking me a silent question.

I just winked at her and went back to the conversation at the table.

“So, we’re sure he didn’t leak anything to any other assholes?” I asked Motshan and Niamh. I picked up the glass of bourbon and leaned back in my chair.

“It was a spur-of-the-moment thing,” Niamh answered.

“Just a moment of weakness.” For someone who had just won a war waged against a family he supposedly hated, Motshan seemed a bit down in the dumps.

“Well, just in case it wasn’t just a moment of weakness,” Elliot said, leaning forward, “I’ve sent the guys ahead to check things out and keep an eye on the place.”

“And Finn has sent another dozen or so,” Tristan sighed. “I really didn’t want to have to put so many of my men up for possible slaughter…again.”

“I’m sorry for not telling you the entire truth, but—”

“Don’t,” I said, holding up my hand and cutting him off. “I’m on a high right now, and I don’t feel like ruining that with that kind of talk.”

“Let’s get this shit on the road, then,” Tristan said, standing up and downing the rest of the bourbon from his glass. “I know I want these bastards dead, but Scarlet has been chomping at the bit ever since they took her.”

The rest of us stood, tipping our glasses back to not leave a drop of liquor left on the table.

“Let’s go get your boots, love,” I told Scarlet as we met at the end of the table, and I swept her off her bare feet and into my arms. “You’re going to need to be able to move a bit better than you can in mine.”

“Meet you at the cars!” she called over her shoulder as I carried her to the downstairs bathroom, where she had washed and left her boots to dry in the airing cupboard.

“How’re you feeling, my love?” I asked her as I carried her through the house. I wanted to have a moment with her before shit kicked off again. I hadn’t had that before she was thrown to the wolves in this house, and it made me feel uneasy the entire time.

“About fifty percent relieved,” she said, leaning her head on my shoulder. “Once we get the other half of the people that had my life in their hands and treated me like dog shit, I’ll feel much better.”

“And then we can go on vacation,” I told her as I sat her on the bathroom sink. “I can’t wait to fuck you on the beach at sunset.”

She laughed, and I grabbed her boots and socks from the cupboard before making my way back over to her. Her mascara was smeared a bit under her eyes, and her dress was torn in some spots. The bun that her hair had been in for the funeral was long gone, and her wavy hair was free to hang down to her waist.

“Sex on the beach is for the birds, Seb. I really don’t want to get sand in my vagina.”

I got on my knees and slipped on her socks, then started putting on her boots and lacing them up.

“But I will happily fuck you all on every surface of the house we stay in,” she added, putting her foot on my shoulder while I finished with the other, giving me a perfect view of her black G-string that disappeared into that tight ass of hers. My mouth began to water as she let her leg fall to the side, opening herself up to me.

“On the kitchen counter, every single bedroom, the couch, the bathroom counter…” She trailed off as I finished lacing her other boot and began kissing up her leg.

“Do we have time?” she asked as I made my way up to her thigh, nibbling and kissing and licking every inch of her flesh I could get to. She smelled tangy like blood, salty like her sweat, and sweet like her fucking cunt, which was just inches away from my mouth.

“What are they going to do?” I asked, slipping my fingers behind her panties and pulling them to the side. Her legs fell wider, opening up that sweet pink pussy to my view. “It’s not like they can leave without us.”

Her hands went to my hair and tugged it backwards, forcing me to look up at her smirking face.

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