Omens (The Triad 3) - Page 55


Watching them both work together on something like this was way more of a turn-on than it should’ve been.

I watched as Scarlet carefully picked which rope to cut through so that she could get to his dick but also make sure she wasn’t loosening his ties so much that he could fight back or get out.

The string of obscenities that he was throwing at her was getting us all riled up. I could feel us all struggling to remain quiet, against the wall, and let her work. We all knew that she could handle this, and she could handle being called every name in the book. But that didn’t make it any easier on us, especially Sebastian, who was very eagerly dancing on his tiptoes.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to cut out that ugly tongue first?” he asked her.

“It’s okay, baby,” she said, almost laughing at how eager he was to hurt and kill for her. “I want to be the first one to leave a mark.” She thought for a moment while she continued cutting. “Well, the first mark besides the one Kenna gave him,” she said with a laugh.

“I’m still shocked she got that good of a punch in on him,” Elliot murmured to me.

“I mean, he was stationary,” I said.

“Yea, but there was still some serious power behind that.”

“Ken Doll knows what she’s doing,” Seb chimed in.

“You are all fucking psychotic!” Alaric shouted at us, interrupting our conversation.

“It’s rude to speak out of turn,” Scarlet mumbled as she got that last rope away from his crotch. “Also, just so you know,” she said, working open his fly, “if you had just tried to murder me, this would just be a bullet to the head type situation. But since you had to go and threaten to rape me…” She trailed off as she got him out.

He began to whimper and try to get away again.

“Wow, that is the saddest excuse for a cock I think I’ve ever seen,” she said, staring down at it. We all laughed as she looked back at us. “I’m glad all three of you are very, very well-endowed.” She winked and then turned back to him.

“Anyway, like I was saying. If you hadn’t tried to rape me, I wouldn’t be cutting your dick off to make us even. But here we are.”

So quickly I almost didn’t see it, she pulled hard on his dick and sliced it clean off, dangling it in front of his face while he screamed and screamed. Blood dripped down onto his lap as he bled out into his jeans.

“My turn!” Seb sang, walking up beside her and taking the puny dick from her hand. He tossed it on the ground and took the blood blade from her hand as he kissed her. I couldn’t have been more hard. I wanted to fuck both of them right there on the concrete floor, covered in that man’s blood.

Fuck, violence on both of them looked so hot.

“What do you say we shut him up for good?” Seb asked her as he pulled away and looked into her eyes. Alaric was still yelling behind them, his face turning pale and spit dribbling down his chin.

“Sounds good, baby,” she answered him.

“I’m really tired of hearing you complain,” Seb said, turning back to Alaric and grabbing his jaw as he forced it open and his blade went in. I couldn’t really see how he grabbed it without being bitten, but he got ahold of it, and with one clean slice, it was off, and blood was spraying from Alaric’s mouth.

They both backed up quickly, moving back with us along the wall as they laughed, and we all watched him slowly bleed out. He coughed, trying not to choke to death on his own blood, but it didn’t matter. There was a puddle of blood around his chair, and his entire body was a ghostly white.

His eyes began to droop, and finally, his head fell forward.

“I still wish we could’ve made it a longer event,” Sebastian said. “I had so much planned. Cutting fingers and toes off, breaking bones…” He trailed off, a wistful look coming across his face as he thought of all the things he had wanted to do to the guy.

“I know, my love,” Scarlet said, taking his bloody hand in hers. “But I’m tired, baby. I just wanted this shit over with.”

“And that is totally okay,” Elliot said, grabbing her and kissing her hard on the forehead as she leaned into him. “We understand that.”

“We do,” I told her. “Right?” I asked, giving Seb a look.

“Of course we do,” he said, wiping the blade on his pant leg before flipping it closed and putting it in his pocket. “Baby gets what baby wants.” He winked at her, and she laughed.

“Let’s get this shit cleaned up so that we can go home,” she sighed, wiping her hands on the clean part of her denim.

“Since when have we ever made you clean up anything?” Elliot asked her. “We pay people to do that.”

“I feel like this one is more my mess than anything else has been,” she said, her face looking absolutely exhausted. “This was something that came straight from me. It was something that I wanted and that I needed. It feels like something I started and need to finish.”

“Alright, then,” I said. “Let me go get some tarps, and we’ll get him wrapped up and ready to dispose of.”

I made my way upstairs and explained to Simon that Scarlet wanted to be the one to clean up. He loaded me up with everything we would need and told me just to leave the body down there. It would be cool enough down there to keep him relatively fresh until nighttime when he could get the guys to dispose of him.

After we had rolled Alaric up in the tarp, along with his dick and tongue, Scarlet worked on sealing the entire thing with tape, before Elliot took over and reinforced it with rope.

“What about the blood that’s all over the floor?” she asked us when we shoved him over to the side and got ready to go.

“Baby,” I told her, taking her face in my hands. “We use these rooms down here for this shit all the time. It would be pointless to clean up after every single one. It’ll be okay. Let the boys take care of the rest.”

“Let’s get you home,” Elliot said from where he was standing next to the door.

She nodded, reluctantly leaving the rest of the mess for the others. I was sure in future that she would be making a lot of calls for the business, which meant there would be a lot of messes made in her name. She was going to have to get used to the fact that we paid people, and paid them very well, to take care of that shit.

She couldn’t clean up every single mess she made.

We took a moment upstairs to say goodbye to the guys and Kenna, telling them they would have to come over soon to hang out. Kenna offered to housesit at the loft for us while we were on vacation.

“Maybe you should just move in to the one below us,” I told her, laughing when her face went wide with shock. “I’m sure Scarlet would appreciate having you so close.”

“Yes!” Scarlet said, kissing Kenna on the cheek. “We’ll get it all ready, and you can move in as soon as possible!”

I figured it would also make Scarlet feel better to know that Kenna was close enough to keep safe. If she was just in the place below ours, Scarlet would be able to sleep better at night knowing that if anything went wrong, it would be much easier to get us and vice versa.

On our way home, she thanked me over and over again for thinking of Kenna.

“I wasn’t really thinking of Kenna, poppet. I was thinking of you and what would make you happy.” I reached behind my seat and took her hand in mine, bringing it to my lips for a quick kiss. “We would all do anything we can to make you happy.”

She smiled at me and then leaned her head on Seb’s shoulder.

“Anything to keep you happy for the rest of your life,” he said.

“Anything,” Elliot echoed, looking at her in the rearview mirror.

She sighed, content and happy.

“I love you guys.”

Tags: Dana Isaly The Triad Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024