The Problem Child (Emerson Pass Historicals 4) - Page 21

“Now the snow needs to fall,”Cymbeline said.

“Have you considered training before the snow falls?”

“How?” Her eyes widened with obvious interest.

“Strength regimens. I could put a plan together for you,” I said.

“How do you know what I should do?” She didn’t ask this with skepticism but seemed truly interested. Her fingers tightened around her spoon.

“At university, I had a good friend on the track team. They did more than just run to improve their times.”

“What else?”

I thought back to the times I’d seen Marcus training. Squats and lunges, sprints, jump rope sessions. I shared with her what I remembered. “I could train you,” I said.


“Why not me? Who else would motivate you more?” I grinned, remembering how angry she used to get when I beat her on the ice. “I’ll train with you. That way you’ll have someone to compete with.”

“I would like the chance to prove to you once and for all that I’m tougher than you.”

I knew it to be true already. “We could meet in the mornings before work. Do you think you could come out to my house without arising suspicious?”

“No one gets up too early,” Cym said. “Usually Fiona’s the first one up, and she already knows.”

“How’s six? Tomorrow morning? I have to be in at work right at nine to open the bank.”

“I can do that.” Her eyes sparkled with excitement. “You think you can break me, don’t you?”

“I would never be so bold.”

Her gaze flickered to the front of the restaurant. “Oh dear.”

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Emma’s here.”

I’d not talked to Emma in a few days. She wouldn’t have had any idea I’d be here with Cymbeline. Was she here with her brother? If so, it would be quite the splurge. They were living on pennies, putting everything back into the feed store. I looked over my shoulder. Emma stood next to a tall, dark-haired man in a perfectly draped suit. The out-of-town beau? Had he arrived early? Emma had told me Peter wanted to marry as soon as he arrived in Emerson Pass.

They made a beeline over to us, ignoring the host who wanted to lead them to one of the empty tables. Cymbeline planted a fake smile on her face and lifted her chin up to fix her dark eyes on my friend.

“Good evening,” Emma said, flashing her pretty smile. “May I introduce you to Peter? He’s come from Boston just this morning.”

I stood to shake Peter’s hand. He was a good-looking man although slight and pale, as if he never left the confines of an office. Perhaps Colorado could change that. Emma had told me he came from money and had been delayed in Boston taking care of his father’s estate. She’d met him while working as a maid for his family. The whole affair had been quite the scandal, which is why they’d agreed to start fresh out here.

The ladies exchanged greetings. Cym acted friendly enough. To an outsider, she would seem polite and welcoming. However, a twitch in the side of her face told me she was clenching her teeth. I knew this particular expression. She’d had the same one every time I beat her in one of our skating races.

“Do you fish, Peter?” I asked, still standing.

“Fish? No. I mean, I haven’t,” he said. “But I’d like to.”

“All in good time,” Emma said. “We mustn’t scare him away, Viktor, by taking him out to the wilderness too soon.”

“I can’t be scared away from you,” Peter said. “Not ever. Show them your ring, darling. We’ve made it official.”

Clearly Emma hadn’t known I’d be here, because a ring sparkled on her left hand. I sneaked a glance at Cymbeline. She was staring at them, looking a bit like a man who’d just caught a fat fish. I’d get an earful on the way home. Of that I was certain.

“You’re engaged?” Cym asked.

“As of this morning,” Emma said, with a quick glance in my direction. “Peter and I’ve known each for a long time, but we were separated by many miles.”

“Thanks, old boy, for taking care of my girl until I could get here. She tells me you’ve been quite the friend to her.”

“Sure thing. It was a pleasure.” I gestured toward the table. “Would you care to join us?”

“Not tonight,” Emma said. “We’re celebrating, but some other time? Cymbeline?”

“Some other time,” Cym said. “Have a nice evening, and congratulations.”

Tags: Tess Thompson Emerson Pass Historicals Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025