The Problem Child (Emerson Pass Historicals 4) - Page 90

“We could ask Viktor for ideas.” I couldn’t stop the smile that spread over my face and reached into every part of my body. “He’s good at wooing the worst of the worst.”

“Good idea,” Jo said.

“He is gifted at holding out hope when all seems lost,” Flynn said, sounding for a moment like his cheeky self.

“But first, let's go celebrate Cym's accomplishments,” Theo said. “Tomorrow is another day.”

So we all traipsed out to the dining room to join the rest of our family. Fiona went back to Li and the piano. They began to play a lively Christmas tune, his violin in perfect harmony with her sweet voice.

All around us people danced and socialized and celebrated my accomplishments. They'd not minded about my deception. I still couldn't believe it, but perhaps this was what happened when you grew up in a place. The people who raise you are not just your parents. They include teachers, shop owners, bosses.

I rested my head on Viktor's shoulder as he moved me around the dance floor. Poppy and Neil danced by, staring into each other’s eyes. Theo and Louisa did the same. Phillip and Jo were by the food table each with a little girl on their hips. Mama and Papa were dancing too, looking younger than they had two weeks ago. Isak and Nora, such a charming couple with him so tall and her so tiny yet mighty, had given up moving about the floor and were simply swaying to the music.

The Olofssons and the Johnsons sat together at a table enjoying punch and cookies and laughing over something. Addie and Delphia were in the corner playing jacks with their friends.

I searched for Flynn and found him over in the corner watching it all with glittering eyes. Shannon should be here. Between Jo, Fiona, and me, we would figure out how to reunite them.

“What are you thinking about in that glorious head of yours?” Viktor asked.

“Nothing really. Feeling grateful.”

“Today was a good day.”

I looked up at him. “Thank you for letting me be me. I hope someday I'll be able to give you the kind of joy and freedom you've given me.”

“You already have, Cym. Since the day you showed up at my house willing to throw rocks around, all my dreams have come true.”

“I know we said we'd wait until spring to wed,” I said. “But let's get married on Christmas Eve. I don't want to wait any longer to be your wife.”

“Are you sure? It's a big step. I'm afraid you'll miss your family.”

“For goodness’ sake, they're practically living on top of us. There won't be time to miss them.”

“Isak and Nora are getting married the day after Christmas,” he asked. “Do you think they'll mind?”

“I don't think so. Anyway, all I want is a simple ceremony at the church and then have a party at Mama and Papa's. We already do both those things on Christmas Eve. Unless you think your mom will mind?”

“She won't care. All she wants is for us to be happy together.”

“I'll ask Papa and Mama to make sure they’re all right hosting a party for us.”

I hadn't realized they were close enough to hear until Papa asked, “A party? For what occasion?”

Viktor twirled me around so I had a better view of my parents. “We want to get married on Christmas Eve and have a party afterward at the house.”

“What about a dress?” Mama asked.

“I have enough dresses. I can wear one of those.”

Mama and Papa shared a smile. “They're like we were,” Mama said. “Caring only for the marriage and not the wedding itself.”

“We shall make it happen,” Papa said. “Whatever you wish.”

“Thank you,” I said. “For everything.”

Viktor danced me around the floor. He was light on his feet for such a large man. In his arms, I was a woman, content for him to take the lead. I felt beautiful and dainty in my gown with my curls and sparkle dancing with the best man in the whole world.

All my life, I’d waited for my call to adventure. I’d been so sure I’d recognize it when it came along. How mistaken I’d been to think it was as uncomplicated as a ski jump or some other physical feat. Had I loved winning today? Yes. Competition would always be in my blood. However, that was only part of my story. There was more to my life than winning a race or a jump. So much more.

All along, the grandest of all adventures had been right in front of me. Belonging to my family. Being part of a community. And Viktor.

All this time, Viktor had been my adventure. The most exciting journey of all. Love.

Tags: Tess Thompson Emerson Pass Historicals Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025