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The Project

Page 29

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“What the hell are you doing?” the man that hadn’t had a chance to say more than two words to her since he’d handed his keys over to the valet asked as soon as he opened the door to the insanely expensive suite that Roman Palms Hotel had given him for the night.

“Better acquainting myself with how the other half lives,” Andi said, nodding solemnly as she stood in the hallway, hugging the stack of files that they gave Devyn when they checked in against her chest as she blinked up at the large man looking at her curiously. Not that she could blame him since she was standing there in her pajamas and her extra puffy Eeyore slippers.

“God, you’re a pain in the ass,” Devyn said, sighing heavily as he stepped aside so that she could join him in the incredibly beautiful suite that she fully planned on putting to good use as he asked, “What did Drew do?”

“Besides annoy the hell out of me?” Andi asked as she took in the large living room with every amenity that she could ever ask for, only to decide that this just wasn’t going to do.

Not at all.

“Besides that,” Devyn murmured as she took it upon herself to see what the bedroom had to offer.

“He made me tell him what was going on. When I was done, he disappeared in his room for the rest of the night. The next morning, he didn’t say anything when Uncle Shawn dropped me off at school. He simply helped himself to the glue from the craft cabinet, walked over to the girls that really seemed to enjoy tormenting me and poured it over their heads along with the bag of glitter that he’d brought with him,” Andi explained with a satisfied sigh when she spotted the large king-sized bed.

“And Drew is…”

“My twin brother, best friend, and the man determined to torment me for his own entertainment,” she explained as she made her way to the bed that was going to make the perfect spot for going through the rest of the files.

“Brother?” Devyn murmured, sending her a questioning look as he followed her.

“He’s always been there for me,” Andi mumbled absently, noting the lamp by the bed with a satisfied sigh.

“He sounds like a good man,” Devyn said, sending her a curious look. “What was wrong with your room?”

“It was too dark,” she said, deciding not to mention that she missed him as she turned on the lamp since that probably wasn’t something that she should tell her boss. She just…

God, she didn’t know what the hell she was doing. She just knew that she liked being around him and when she wasn’t, all she did was think about him.

“Are you going to tell me why you’re always so serious?” Andi asked instead as she pushed the insanely soft comforter down and climbed onto the incredibly comfortable bed and settled back against the pillows with another satisfied sigh, wishing that she could justify the cost of a suite like this.

“My mother,” Devyn said, sighing heavily as he climbed onto the bed and joined her.

“That really clears it up. Thank you,” she murmured dryly as she reluctantly grabbed the file on top, reminding herself that they were here for a reason.

“I made her a promise,” he said, probably thinking that she would leave it at that, but…

“What was the promise?” Andi asked, finding the spot where she’d left off.

“That I made it all worth it,” Devyn said quietly.

“Did you?” she found herself asking, glancing up at him to find him looking lost in thought.

“Make it worth it?” he asked, throwing her a questioning look.


“My mother worked herself to death when I was sixteen. It will never be worth it,” he murmured absently as he selected a file off the small stack and opened it.

“I’m sorry, Devyn,” Andi said, wishing that she’d never brought it up.

“There’s nothing to apologize for,” Devyn said with a small shake of his head as he focused on the file on his lap, a small muscle in his jaw twitching as he glared down at the file while she sat there, realizing why he worked so hard.

“She’d want you to be happy, Devyn,” Andi said, noting the way that he went still before his gaze softened and became curious.

“What makes you think that I’m not happy, Miss Dawson?” Devyn asked, leaning back against the headboard as he watched her.

“Besides your love of glaring?” she asked, blinking at him.

“Besides that,” Devyn said as he watched her.

“Because you don’t smile enough,” Andi said with a teasing smile as she plucked the file off his lap and settled in for a long night.

* * *

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