Serpent's Claim (Serpent's Touch 2) - Page 59


Returning to my rooms after the ceremony, I couldn’t rest.

Uzyni took off my gown and removed a treasure chest worth of jewelry from me. I had a quick bath and changed into my nightshirt, then threw on one of the king’s old robes. Once Uzyni had left, I paced the room, waiting for any news from the guards I had sent all over Ufaris to look for the High Lord of Ellohi.

One by one, the guards returned, but no one had found Kyllen. It was as if he’d really been just a vision, dissipating into thin air.

Or an illusion created to fool me?

“Armed men have been spotted just outside of Ufaris, Your Majesty,” the last guard reported unexpectedly.

“Whose men are they?”

“Not sure. But there appears to be a large number of them, hiding in the woods around the lake.”

Alarm prickled my skin with tiny invisible needles. “How large?”

“Hundreds. Possibly thousands.”

Thousands of armed men, sneaking just outside the palace walls, promised nothing good.

“Are they gorgonians?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

All twenty-four High Lords had now pledged their loyalty to me, yet someone was clearly getting ready to strike.

“Does the High General know?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I need to see him at once.”

* * *

It was a long night.

During the emergency meeting with the High General, it was decided to send our men to the lakeshore to watch for any sign of an attack. A defense plan was put in place.

“We’re ready, Your Majesty,” the High General assured me before leaving my rooms well past midnight. “We will protect the palace and keep you safe.”

Once everyone had left. I leaned with my back against the closed doors and shut my eyes, waiting for the inner turmoil to subside. It didn’t. Thoughts and worries churned in my head like a hurricane.

I expected to defend my crown sooner or later. It appeared that day had come. I went through the plan of defense in my mind, over and over, searching for any gaps or weak spots. The plan seemed solid enough for me to relax and get some rest, who knew what tomorrow would bring. Yet I still couldn’t think about sleep.

A restless fire burned inside me, spattering with sparks of anxiety.

The whisper of the leaves outside sounded a bit too loud for this hour.

A twig snapped.

Alarm shot through my weary mind.

I whipped around to face the windows. There was no one outside that I could see from my spot by the door, but the crunch and rustle of the leaves outside didn’t sound normal.

Quietly, I circled the room, then took the king’s iron sword from its place on the wall over the nest.

The old weapon was incredibly heavy. I could barely lift it with both hands, tucking the end of the long handle under my arm to balance the massive blade. Though rusty and old, the sword was a mighty weapon. Holding it made me feel safer while I stole closer to the tall window that led out to the terrace.

At the first sign of danger, I’d call the guards. But with my nerves strung as high as they were, it’d be easy to overreact. The sounds outside probably just came from the breeze or a bird.

Creeping to the window with the sword held in front of me, I leaned closer to take a better look.

A man climbed onto the terrace.

I squeaked, thrusting the sword in his direction, and opened my mouth, ready to scream for help.

He raised a hand in a calming gesture then promptly slid back his hood, revealing the face I thought I’d never see again other than in a dream.

“Kyllen.” My limbs grew weak. The sword slipped from my hands, crashing at my feet.

His golden eyes trapped mine. Walking toward me, he stared at me as if I were the most magical, beautiful thing in the world.

“Amira…” He reached for me.

A green glow rippled across the window the moment his fingers came near. He jerked his hand away.

“Wards.” He frowned, glancing at his hand. The wards hadn’t held him back before, when he was only a spirit. Was this real? “Please let me in, my love.”

“My love.”

Tags: Marina Simcoe Serpent's Touch Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024