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Hero (Alpha Mountain 1)

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The short walk meant only a short amount of time for Mrs. L to ask me questions. She hid it under very skilled small talk, but I knew what was up. She’d learned about my latest guide trip, how my mother’s huckleberry jelly making was going, whether or not my father would start selling snow shovels before Labor Day this year, and lastly, if I wanted to stay with her until I felt safe again.

“I have too many men at the house these days. It was good to see your laundry on the counter.”

She eyed me pointedly as we made our way down the sidewalk under the warm sunshine. The clouds were caught on the peaks of the mountains and might make it into town for another afternoon shower.

I’d forgotten about the clothes I’d left behind. Ford had brought them by the day before, but they were on the living room floor with everything else. I did remember that my panties and bra had been on top of the small pile. A few days had passed, which meant they’d been sitting in Mrs. L’s house. God, what had she thought?

That I’d been with Ford in her house? Taken them off… like, oh shit. Like when I was eighteen and done just that. She knew everything. Everything. She was sure to know about the naked rejection fiasco from nine years ago. And again a few days ago, then Ford staying the night before?

Yeah, she knew.

“I… I was caught in a rainstorm out hiking,” I said weakly.

“Yes, that’s what Ford said.”

“It’s not… Kennedy was there.”

Mrs. L laughed and shifted her sack higher on her shoulder. “I heard about the greenhouse,” she said, giving me an obvious reprieve. “I’m not sure why they’ve locked that place up tight when anyone can get in by breaking the glass.”

“Exactly!” I tossed up my hands.

“Those boys want everyone to be safe. That’s why Ford is staying with you now.”

I opened and closed my mouth like a fish. The clues she had made it seem like Ford and I were a thing. After last night, I wasn’t sure what we were. Lovers, as he’d said. But for how long? One night? Once my front door lock was fixed—although having four former SEALs in my house definitely meant more than a replaced deadbolt—life could get back to normal. But after having my ass spanked and fucked good and hard, I wasn’t sure if I liked normal.

Still, Mrs. L didn’t need to know all that.

“Oh, look, we’re already here.”

We’d made it to the small mechanic’s shop. The only one in town.

“You can leave me here, sweetheart. Lee will take care of me. Tell Dan I will sign his youngest’s cast this week.”

She gave me a wave and headed toward the open bay door where a car was lifted, and Lee was working beneath.

I continued down Main Street and turned south one block to the sheriff’s station. The older building was one story, brick, and smelled like coffee. Not much happened in Sparks—besides my break in—so there was only a small staff. No one was manning the front desk, so I veered around it and went over to Megan. Her eyes were sharp and curious on my face as I approached.

Her chestnut hair was pulled back into a simple bun at the nape of her neck, and she wore a tan uniform, she was stunning. I felt like a frump next to her, but after knowing her forever, I couldn’t hold it against her.

“So…” she said, the moment I walked up to her desk. “What’s up with you and Ford?”

Unlike Mrs. L who more subtly worked information out of me, Megan was blunt. Maybe it was the law enforcement officer in her.

I wanted to lie, but it was impossible when my body was still sore in all the right places, my skin warm from his mouth and tongue.

Damn, I had been missing out.

Seriously missing out.

While I still wanted to blame Ford for my shitty sex life up until this point, some of my anger had shifted to Buck. A protective older brother was one thing, but he’d kept me and Ford apart. I could have had… that… as my first time.

That meaning the best sex known to womankind.

Sex with Ford had ruined me for all other men.

I couldn’t help but wonder how different the trajectory of my sex life would have been had Ford slammed his bedroom door shut that night, locked out the world—and my brother—and fucked me thoroughly and completely my first time.

Oh well, I’d never know.

I still had a long way to go before I caught my stride in the sexual arena, but at least now, I knew how good it could be. How I could express myself, tell a man what I wanted and push past the fear of rejection. Because when Ford asked me what I wanted and I’d rolled onto my stomach… he hadn’t pushed me away. He’d been into it. Into me.

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