Four Fun (Four) - Page 61

I storm out of their office and into my room, where I slam the door behind me. To my surprise and relief, neither of them so much as knock while I cram all of my and Rachel’s belongings into bags. Maybe Shane and Khalil just think they’re being protective, but their protection is being delivered with an awfully heavy hand. What right do they have to tell me what to do?

Neither of them are my boyfriend — we have no relationship whatsoever — unless you count fuck buddies — but even if we were married, I wouldn’t let them boss me around like they’re trying to do.

Why do men always think they know best, and try to act like their word is law? It’s complete bullshit, and I’m still fuming, even after I pack everything up from the bedroom and bathroom.

The house is quiet, and there’s no sight of anyone in the hall, but I know better than to think I’ll be able to leave without further confrontation. They’re all waiting in the living room, Marcos and Khalil on the couch, Devin in a chair, and Shane pacing. It appears I have to run the gauntlet before I’m free.

“I’m leaving,” I say as I cross the room, hoping to head off any discussion before it can begin, “and you don’t get a say in that decision, but I do want to thank you for letting me stay here. Despite my current mood, I don’t want you to think I don’t appreciate what you’ve done for me.

“You helped me when I had nowhere else to go, and I’ll always be grateful, but I’m leaving now.”

Devin jumps up as I pass. “Becca, wait. You don’t have to leave.”

“I do. I really do.” I can’t be angry with Devin; he’s never done anything wrong, but it’s a mistake when I set my bags down and turn to look at him. All four men are standing there, and despite my anger, memories of all the things we shared come rushing back. It’s too much, seeing them all together, but I guess that’s how men get you hooked.

You let them into your pants, then your heart, and before you know it, they get control over you.

“Becca, you’re being unreasonable,” Marcos says.

Anger flares again, hardening my resolve, which had momentarily softened.

“Sit down,” Shane says. “We need to talk about this.”

“Shane, stop giving her orders.” Khalil steps in front of him. “You’re not helping.”

“Guys!” Devin says, turning to yell at his friends.

“This isn’t up for discussion. I’m going.” Without another word, I grab my stuff and head for the door. The men make a few more protests, but I ignore them.

In my haste to pack, I have somehow been, yet again, completely oblivious to the weather outside. It was cloudy earlier, but now there’s a downpour, and unwilling to be deterred, I rush right into it.

“Here, I’ll help you.” It’s Devin, grabbing one of my bags. I let him take it, and he follows me to my car and puts it in the trunk.

“I’m not going to try to stop you,” he says, “but I want you to know how much I care about you.” He glances back to the porch, where the others are standing. “We all do.”

Even as I wipe the rain from my face, I start to soften again, and this — this! — is why I have my one-night rule. It’s painfully obvious that my heart got involved when I wasn’t paying attention, and now I’m having trouble doing what’s right. My chest hurts, and it’s my own damn fault for letting my guard down.

I stand there like an idiot, getting drenched, staring at Devin, not expecting this to be as hard as it is.

“You’re getting soaked,” he says, his words finally prompting me back into action.

“Bye,” I say, as I go around to the car door. I climb in, heroically keeping myself together long enough to pull out of the driveway and drive out of view. Once I’m further down the road, I let the tears fall.

I don’t regret leaving. I needed to leave, and maybe the situation with my mother was exactly the kick in the pants I needed to get out of their house.

They’re nice enough guys, and I’ll never forget how good the sex was, but I’m not going to get trapped in a situation where I’m under their thumb, and I’m afraid I came dangerously close.

I’ve been dick dizzy. Spellbound by cock.

And what does it say about me that I got off on being bossed around by them in the bedroom? Maybe seeing my mother’s behavior with men did have an effect on me, and I’m going to need to be extra careful not to fall into a situation like this again.

Even as I’m mad at the men — all of them except Devin, really — for trying to control me, I’m also upset that they were fighting with each other as I left. I never wanted to cause problems between them, and they’d been getting along well lately, but now they’re arguing again, and it’s because of me.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024