Bennett (On the Line 2) - Page 71

“Mom said she didn’t know if anyone would be here with you for the appointment. Looks like someone is, though.”

He reached for Bennett’s shirt and took two handfuls of it, putting his face right in front of Bennett’s.

“Did you knock my sister up?”

Bennett let go of my hand.

“Liam—” I said.

“Don’t,” he said without even looking at me. “This is between us. Answer me, Bennett.”

“Yeah.” His tone was calm as he returned Liam’s stare.

“It’s not like that,” I said, my heart hammering.

“Get up,” Liam said.

Bennett stood. The veins in Liam’s neck were popping out, and I realized just how angry he was right now. A woman across from us was watching intently, her magazine forgotten.

Liam drew back and punched Bennett squarely in the jaw, the sound of the impact making me cringe. Bennett dropped his head and rubbed his jaw for a second.

“I deserved that,” he said softly.

Liam’s brows shot up. “You deserved that? You deserve a body cast, you bastard. She’s way too good for you.”

“I know.” Bennett had barely gotten the words out when Liam’s other fist made contact with his eye. That was followed by a swift uppercut to the gut that made Bennett double over.

“Sir,” the receptionist said through the window. “You can’t do that in here.”

“Enough,” Bennett said, standing up.

“Never enough,” Liam said, his tone eerily calm. He shoved Bennett by the shoulders. Bennett regained his balance and shoved him back.

With a primal-sounding growl, Liam jumped onto Bennett. I stood up, looking on in horror as they tumbled to the floor together. They rolled one over the other across the carpet of the waiting room, both punching at any opening they could get.

A pregnant mother swept her young daughter away from the toys in the corner right before they crashed into them.

“Stop!” I cried, watching helplessly.

“You bastard,” Liam said, grunting as Bennett landed a blow to his stomach. “You didn’t even . . . have the balls . . . to tell me.” He was breathing heavily.

“Enough,” Bennett said angrily, getting off of him. “We’re not doing this here.”

The receptionist was in the waiting room now. She approached me with a frantic expression.

“What is this? Can you make them stop?”

“I’ll try.”

Liam’s eyes, the same blue as mine, darkened as he caught his breath. He pointed at Bennett’s chest.

“You treated her like one of your road whores. My sister. Now she’s knocked up and alone. I’ll fucking kill you.”

Bennett backed up, hands out in front of him as Liam charged. “Not here, man. There are pregnant women and kids here.”

“Then they better move,” Liam growled, flying at Bennett again. He tackled him, and Bennett’s back landed on a waiting room coffee table. There was a loud cracking sound before it collapsed to the floor.

Liam punched anywhere he could land a hit and Bennett did the same.

Tags: Brenda Rothert On the Line Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024