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Keeping The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 4)

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“I’m done talking to you.”

“Five minutes.”

“Fine.” I follow him out.

“I don’t need you giving me shit on this, man. I know they are a nuisance so work with me on this. You said yourself you’re getting married this weekend. You want them to gun down your bride on your wedding day?”

“Watch it.”

“You and I both know it’s a possibility. All I am asking is for one name.”

“I’m no rat and if you were good at your job, you’d know who controls the drugs in this town.”

“Not much I can do without proof. Give me proof.”

“I can’t give you anything helpful. My club is drug free. My men know they come up dirty they don’t get help to kick the problem they’re out. No exceptions.”

“Where’s the wedding?”

“Why? You want an invitation?”

“I see a gorgeous woman in there who is terrified right now. I don’t want her blood on my hands. I’ll have a few cars on the street to make sure I’m not getting a call to pick up her body.”

I shove him against the side of the house. Arm to his throat. “You saying I can’t protect my woman?”

He grunts and I let him go.

“If she had been outside when this shit today started, you’d be planning a funeral. Don’t be stupid. You think of something here’s my card. Use it.”

He straightens his jacket after handing me his damn business card.

I don’t like the prick, but he has a point as much as I hate to admit it. Until these pieces of shit are dealt with Alexa isn’t safe and neither is our unborn child.

Chapter Seven

“Trouble is always following the two of you.”

I turn to see an old but dear friend. “Lily,” I say her name breathily. “Wha

t are you doing here?”

“It’s not every day my brother gets married.” She pulls me into a hug. “What happened?” She nods to the police working the crime scene.

“The usual. Someone wants one of us dead.”

“Any leads on who?”

“If you ask your brother, he’ll play it off or say club business. Hard to know really. We both have enemies.”

“Right. So what’s this I hear about a baby.”

“He told you?”

“Sure did.” She grins. “You’ve got the glow. I have years of practice. I can smell it.” She laughs, highlighting the scars that mark her face. They tell a story though. One of survival.

“I’m almost through my first trimester.”

“I’m damn happy for you. Both of you. You deserve to be loved, Alexa. I’m glad you finally see your worth.”

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