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Keeping The Biker (Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV 4)

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Yeah, I do know her, but I release her with a nod. She wants to play it that way I gotta let her have that. She takes hold of Capone’s Old Lady, Danyella from the LA chapter, at the elbow leading the shy blonde down the hall to where all the women have congregated with Alexa.

“You got the rings?”

“Right here in my pocket.” East pats his cut.

“Where the fuck is Holy? He’s supposed to be officiating this shindig.”

“I’ll find him.” Hound pulls out his cell, hits a few buttons, then puts the smart phone to his ear.

Cell phones are convenient but a real pain in the ass. Too damn easy to leave a virtual diary of every move a man makes. Reed, East’s old man was old school and hated the damn things. Men like him are dying breed, God rest his soul. He was a lousy father but a damn fine brother. East favors him in his looks and in some of his actions, but he’s a good dad in the way his father never was. Still, I loved that fucker. Miss the shit out of him.

“That pick better get here fast.”

Hound tucks his phone in the back pocket of his jeans. “He’s close. Ran into a snag on the road. Said he’d be here in time to take your places.”

“Right. He say whether or not my niece was with him?”

Hound grins wide showing his teeth. “Something like that.”

“I’ll make sure the women are set.” Link moves off. Brave motherfucker. I was him I’d stay the hell out of Pam’s way unless I was ready to grovel for forgiveness. He wants to wet his dick it ain’t my business, but when I gotta hear about it nonstop from my Old Lady and my daughter it’s a problem. When I see his Old Lady looking like her soul is crushed and her spirit’s been broken makes me wanna kick his ass. Only cause I know what they got, and he’s throwing it away and for what?

The guests start moving out back to where the chairs are set up. I glance at the clock on the wall by the bar. Holy is cutting shit damn close.

Slick enters the clubhouse and whistles for a word in private. I move off to a table in the back with him. “Holy’s outside. He’s got your niece with him.” He scratches the back of his neck all red in the face. “Lily’s gonna kill him.”

I start to shove up. “What did he do?” The second the words leave my lips the bastards kicks the door open.

Holy has a woman slung over his shoulder. She’s kicking and carrying on screeching. “Put me down, asshole.”

Fucking hell. “That Hazel?”

“Yup,” Slick says.

I stomp over to Holy. He slides Hazel down his front and twists her around to face me.

“Who the hell are you?” She shrieks in my face a spitting image of her mother in her younger years before them sick fucks who raped her got their hands on her. Dark hair, curvy, and gorgeous.

“Your Uncle James.”

“So you’re the one who set this nightmare in motion?”

“Not exactly. Tracked you down for your mother. My sister.”

“You can’t hold me prisoner.”

Brows furrowed I stare at her in confusion until I take in the collar around her neck. “You collared my niece?” I grit out, debating on killing Holy.

“Putting in my claim.”

“I’m not your property.”

“Baby doll, you can play hard to get all you want, but we both know deep down you enjoy it.” He shoots her a wink then yanks on the chain that is connected from the collar to a leather cuff at his wrist.

“Un-fucking-believable.” I shake my head. “You’re giving me a migraine.”

“She’s a runner. Did what I had to do.”

“You delivered her in one piece. Let her go. That’s an order.”

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